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prufrock_ last won the day on March 19

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    mfa creative writing - fiction fall 2025

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  1. good point, no, i haven't received an actual rejection, but i counted it as a soft rejection over a month ago.
  2. I think UIUC makes a very good case for being a top choice! working on Ninth Letter would be a major highlight if you're at all interested in editing. my only small reservation about the program is also one of its strengths: the incoming cohort size is 3 in fiction, which means there's a small chance you might not find people you really vibe with. but the small cohort would make things really tight knit, and half the reason i'm excited for the mfa is the community. (also since its such a small cohort, i've put just about no thought into it, since i don't think i'm getting in there.) If I was waitlisted at Notre Dame that'd probably be my top choice, but only due to subjective reasons; Roy Scranton's life and writing is very similar to mine, so i thought he'd make a great advisor. but i got declined lol
  3. wyoming, cu boulder(funding), and uiuc. They're all so different, it's hard to have a top choice! though, maybe i should remove myself from the lists because i'd have a hard time picking any of those over rutgers-camden anyway probably.
  4. i don't specifically remember what they did to me last round when they rejected me, but my spreadsheet has them disqualified this round for 'really wack rejection last year' lol so it's a trend of theirs.
  5. as scribe said last year, we play until we hear the bell. i'm here until i get answers from everyone! (still waitlisted at 3 schools)
  6. goodbye! have fun at asu! the cartographer's girl by Matt Bell is one of my favorite short stories ever, read it if you haven't!
  7. pending (no news)
  8. thanks gang for all the congrats!!! (i'm not quoting everyones posts cause that'd be obnoxious, and i've been obnoxious enough irl today)
  9. got the call from rutgers-camden, i'm in. 😎
  10. i also got the tiered rejection. it made me a little warm and fuzzy. the way i look at it, if only the top 10% got it, that's about 100 people since about 1k apply to iww. so it makes sense a lot of people are saying they got the tiered rejection. iww also admits a lot of people, like 40? 50? so being in the top 10 is amazing considering you only need to be in the top 5% to get in (compared to top 1% elsewhere like jhu).
  11. >There's not programs that are taking students in sooner? none that i'm aware of! if you're looking at funded programs, then they only admit in the fall semester. Which means yeah, doing applications in sept-december, then waiting 4-5 months to hear back, then you'd start in fall. that said, i think 'non funded' part time programs are rolling applications, but i don't recommend those. > One replied and said they were too busy to write a recc for me at the start of the year, but were happy to supply one for the next application cycle. The other didn't respond at all. I had to hunt down her latest university contact as she had moved schools. Is this common? Should I try again with her or move on? Yeah, you'll want to give a few months notice when asking for a letter of recommendation. Most schools ask for three. I had good luck joining some legit writers workshops and asking the leader to write a rec to fill in that 3rd spot. >Oh. One other question. Still a gradcafe newb. Now that app season is over, should I be talking about this on a new thread or? App season isn't over quiet yet! Talking here's still good. We still have a whole month until the dust settles. (April 15th is the deadline for most people to say yes/no, so there's a lot of waitlist movement up until then).
  12. ditto. dang. rip. puke emoji.
  13. I also just got waitlisted fiction Wyoming 🕯️fingers crossed for us!
  14. okay thanks, i think i just gas lit myself -- mine says 'in progress' not 'under consideration'. I'll take it that my mail just got lost!
  15. i haven't gotten a letter from iowa and would love to join the delulu train. let's fuel it: my iowa portal still says under consideration. Would anyone who has received a rejection letter from iowa be able to confirm their portal is updated? (also sorry for picking at your scabs, please only look if it wont hurt!)
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