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Everything posted by Obobobi

  1. Hi, yes, received an interview invite for next week with POI for Yale micro OB yesterday. Another person on discord also confirmed they received an invite.
  2. Ujqb3zxe is the code you can paste into discord to join the group, we can’t post links here
  3. I received an email for an interview with the doctoral office on Monday, Jan 8 (posted it to the results page), interview is this week
  4. Hi, yes, Haas micro OB! @admitted2024 so sorry I was responding to this question but didn’t know how to quote.
  5. Yes, Micro Ob!
  6. Hi all, I received an email for a Berkeley Haas OB interview with a professor.
  7. Hello everyone. All the best for this cycle. I have also received an LBS OB invite for mid Jan. I’m based in Europe.
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