I haven't heard from Rutgers either! I'm just waiting on them and a couple more. My subfield is US race & gender with an emphasis also on digital public methodology. What's your subfield?
I feel the same way with hopkins... I'm wondering if we're on the second or third choice list and they're waiting to see if someone will drop their acceptance before they tell us no... could be wishful thinking... but like you said I've seen rejections and haven't heard a peep
Got a phone call acceptance from Clemson's PhD in digital history today! Still so anxious about everywhere else lol 2 decisions down, 7 more to go! Stay strong people!
Got my first acceptance this morning to UC Santa Barbara! Interviewing for Clemson's digital history program next week. Still holding out hope for my 7 others (eek). Has anyone heard from Rutgers or Johns Hopkins?