I got into Herron!!! My first acceptance so I am super excited - they said they'd have an official offer letter with the finacial info mid-march, so will have to wait for that before I decide anything. I really thought I bombed the interview because I was so nervous at the beginning I kept losing my train of thought and felt like I was barely even answering the questions, but I did feel more confident in the rest of my answers so guess I didn't do too bad! If anyone here has info about the school or Indianapolis I'd love to hear it.
I interviewed with Herron last week and they told me they'd let me know if I got in or not by the end of this week....so nervous !! I kept thinking about what I did wrong in the interview or could have done better but trying to stop obsessing over it lol.
Still haven't heard back from VCU painting/printmaking either, I'm surpised nobody here has! I applied last year too and got rejected, I don't remember the exact date but it was late February/early March that they let me know.
Also congrats everyone on the offers!!
I have an interview with Herron (IU Indianapolis) on Wednesday!! Was emailed about it on the 13th. I'm very nervous but also excited, thank you to everyone posting about interview questions I've been reading them to prepare!
Still haven't heard anything from VCU, Michigan, or UT Knoxville so assuming rejections, at least for VCU since they've been sending out interviews/acceptances.
got a rejection from university of minnesota on the 11th 😔😔 assuming no for both VCU and michigan since I haven't heard anything from them. Holding out a tiny bit of hope for IU, it said someone from Indianapolis looked at my website the other day so maybe that's something??
Just got a rejection email from UW Madison, it's the first school I've heard from either way so at least glad to be knowing something!
Has anyone heard from Michigan? They were my school with the earliest application date so I'm assuming it'll be a rejection...
Me too, it looks like in past years they were one of the earlier schools to send out interview requests. I also wasn't as confidence in my essay for them compared to other my schools...
Good luck though!! fingers crossed that it's not to late for either of us
Ugh I've been worrying about this too, but congrats for getting in!! I'm not sure, I'm just hoping that taking away funding would fuck with everything across the board too much for them to do it, but seeing everything with the NIH scares me. It honestly makes me question if I should have even applied this year, but I'm trying not to be too defeatist since things are so uncertain now who knows what will stick and what will be blocked or reversed.
I went to the in person open house both last year and this year and there were definitely more people this year (probably like 15 or 20?) which worried me at first that it'd be more competitive, but seems like not all of them were that serious of applicants, like a few people I talked to were on the fence or planning on applying next fall. Also just curious, did VCU give you an application fee waiver for attending the info session? I got one last year but not this year, and wasn't sure if it was since I got one before (which is fair lol) or if they just didn't give them out anymore
Nice! I had some screen printing in my portfolio but most of it is painting so I applied as a painter for the schools I had to pick a discipline for, but I'm really hoping to be able to learn more printmaking in grad school. I applied to VCU too, I actually live in Richmond (kind of worried that puts me at a disadvantage though lol) so if you have any questions about the school or the city feel free to ask!
Definitely! I haven't heard anything either and it's making me nervous since it had an early jan deadline but I'm telling myself I need to be patient wait till february lol!
Hi everyone! I've been lurking but finally made an account because omg the anxiety of waiting is getting to me!
Here's the schools I applied to:
-University of Michigan
-University of Minnesota
-UW Madison
-IU Indianapolis
-University of Tennessee Knoxville
Second guessing if I should apply to more schools, I had a few with feb 1st deadlines I was looking at but don't think I have it in me to write any more essays haha
Also congrats to y'all getting interviews!!