I’m also baaack for round two. And mostly done with the admin work for this year and generally feeling calmer so far? We’ll see if that sticks. Applying for fiction to: Iowa, Michigan, Michener, UVA, Brown, Vanderbilt, Syracuse, Northwestern Litowitz, Montana, UCI, Stegner (lol), NYU
I think I’m right there with you. Just got off the NYU waitlist and saving money for another 1.5 years even at the job I hate sounds better than giving them a penny
Ok this is probably a controversial take because it is the less fiscally conservative move but I wouldn’t move back in with your parents. The year(s) between now and starting your program are your life too and (me projecting my own family dynamic) living with your parents is not going to be super pleasant? In theory your other debt will go into forbearance while you’re in a program so you’re just kicking the can down the road but personally I would just keep living your current life and maybe try to get a side hustle or do something else to make up that $20k.
Got my Iowa rejection (fiction). Including that my manuscript was well-received by readers and encouragement to apply again. Real talk: is this in every rejection letter?
Ho boy this is fully me in the peanut gallery but while you’re soliciting opinions I’m happy to share mine. For context: I live in NYC and the only school I applied to in the city is NYU and I’m currently on the waitlist. At this point, idk if I would even go if I got in because it would mean half funding, etc but let’s see if I get in and then I’ll make the call. If I were you, I would 100% take the fully funded Columbia offer. They have some amazing alumni (Nunez, Cline, etc), and faculty. I only didn’t apply because I figured the odds of getting the full funding were SO low and I live in Park Slope and couldn’t move closer within the city because childcare limitations. Huge congrats on your acceptances and keep us posted!