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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Still waiting to hear from: Columbia Sociomedical Sciences NYU SBS CUNY Community Health and Health Policy Yale SBS Northeastern Population Health GWU SBS Has anyone else heard from these schools?
  2. Rejections are coming out.... I got rejected from Johns Hopkins PopFam and NYU Langone.
  3. I spoke directly with the faculty member I applied to! So it wasn't a formal, mass interview if that makes sense?
  4. I got my first acceptance! IU Bloomington School of Public Health - Health Behavior Program - - I feel like this is the first time in months that I can breathe, just having an offer on the table... Sending positive vibes to everyone, I feel confident we will start to hear from more people this week and next.
  5. random update, but I just finished by NYU Grossman School of Medicine PhD interview for Population Health and it was BRUTAL. It is hard not to walk away feeling so scared and unsure. When speaking about my research experiences they were straightfaced and just incredibly hard to read. Some of my conversations, probably a majority were amazing... but the research talk is like haunting me. If anyone else interviewed for this program, would love to hear of your experience. If you didn't maybe give me some words of encouragement or reassurance that other interviews you have had have also gone like thia
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