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decayingballads21 last won the day on January 17

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About decayingballads21

  • Birthday 12/21/1996

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    New York
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  1. Mine has been saying this since January 17
  2. OSU isn’t done. They accept 2 people early each year for fellowships. One of those was posted around 2/6. Waitlists for them usually come out around the 2/16 based on past years (I was waitlisted by them on 2/21 last year). The real acceptances are bound to come out any day now. They accept 4 each genre, so 12 total.
  3. I applied for round 1 but not for round 2- i haven’t seen anything for cnf but then again CNF has been super quiet this year. I wouldn’t count yourself out yet! My guess is that cnf isn’t out yet and is on its way soon. I’m hoping that good news comes your way!! what other programs are you waiting to hear back from?
  4. Is there still hope for CNF waitlist for Minnesota?
  5. Do we think Oregon state is done notifying?
  6. Congrats!!!!💕👏👏
  7. Heyy @Tinky C. Clown!!! I applied for CNF and just checked my portal- still says “department review in progress” maybe they are staggering notifs like most schools seem to be? I dunno. Lmk if you figure anything out, fingers crossed for us 🤞🏻
  8. Yeah I don’t think they’re done. Only 4 reported on draft this week. Likely they did 3 calls a day and have 3 left to do.
  9. Has Minnesota actually sent out ALL acceptances? There’s only 4 posts in the draft spreadsheet. Don’t they admit 9 each year?
  10. can anyone shed some light on waitlist etiquette and how/if you should respond to a waitlist email if you get one?
  11. waitlisted at Ohio state for nonfiction! last year they denied me. Hoping this is a good sign
  12. Does anyone know when Ohio state should be notifying? Last year was the 16th right?
  13. hey all! I'm CNF, back for another round. last year, I applied to 11 programs and ended up with two acceptances that just weren't the right fit. I was also waitlisted at my top choice and then later rejected. this year, I applied to 6 schools, and three are ones I applied to last year. I've updated my sample since last year and grown a lot as a writer/artist but for my sample, I primarily have kept one essay in that I significantly revised from last year, and I'm nervous about this specifically for the school that waitlisted me last year. also keep having nagging thoughts about if I don't get in this year, then I'm going to regret not just accepting one of the two offers I got last year. ugh. wanted to hop on to express solidarity and support to those still finishing up apps/beginning the waiting game. we've got this, y'all, the hardest part is *mostly* over, and I'm rooting for all of you.
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