thanks for your kind words. i got interview before and asked my poi last week, no headcount for British History this year...look forward for other programs now
I was on the Duke waitlist last year as well and but didn't get off haha. so this year I come again. there was eight people on the Duke waitlist last year, and two people get off. good luck for you!
so you received an offer from NYU? Congratulation! i will write to the department administrator now, thanks for sharing! Guess will receive a rejection soon...
As per the NYU offer holder shared in the results section, could you please share me with the more details? i am also in the Modern European Field. i am doing British history. just wondering whether it means i will receive a rejection...
Hi I applied BU. i asked DGS, he said: only candidates who advance to the final round will be interviewed and they will be asked questions about their academic interests in history and about their prior training in the field. Details and deadlines will be shared after a short list of candidates has been compiled, which will not be until January 2024.
i am really nervous now! this week is the last week of January...