Hi guys!! I’m from a different forum, not sure if y’all still check this one! I am having trouble deciding between audiology at western and slp at uoft. Why did you guys picks audiology over slp? What is the western program like?
does anyone know if you can do prerequisite courses over the summer?? I still need to take phonetics for uoft as they said i could take it over the summer but now i am worried because on my audiology western letter, it says transcript with in-progress grades need to be sent by june 30th?? Sorry this is off topic
I am dying, I am so scared!!! Good luck everyone! We all deserve to get into this amazing career, and if we do not we can apply again next year! Do not give up haha☮️😄
I also see this, I am not a uoft undergrad but I worked there in the summer. I wonder if it means anything?? I'm gonna go with no to not give myself false hope🥺
When I called McGill before, they said they accept 45 people for the program (because they assume people will inevitably chose other schools I guess) and then have a wait list.
Ya I know the feeling as well, I’m also second guessing if it 100% what I wanna do haha
I hope we find out soon and they don’t draw it out for really long!