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    GoldenTree got a reaction from Chex in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Congrats to everyone who's gotten acceptances lately! I haven't been on as much (currently in Nashville for a conference so a bit distracted). 
    After  7 firm rejections though, I got my first waitlist at the University of South Carolina for poetry today! Makes me really happy tbh even if nothing comes of it. 
  2. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to Scribe in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Yay. Super congratulations. 
  3. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to jbs in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    A good friends was accepted a couple of weeks ago. No idea about waitlists though!
  4. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to cowboifairy in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Waitlist movement is real! Just received an updated offer from Boulder with funding, so will likely be rejecting UNM Fiction once I do the math if anyone is on that waitlist and needing some good news!
  5. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to Scribe in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    there is a fiction acceptance on draft dated 3/13. 
    oh, and an interview for poetry way back on feb 1. 
  6. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to prufrock_ in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    yeah i was willing to give a lot of schools the benefit of the doubt. But university of Oregon sent out acceptances/waitlists in january and still have yet to send out fiction rejections. Like, I know i'm rejected, but what about the people who aren't in draft or here and think they still have a chance?
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    GoldenTree reacted to jka0124 in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
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    GoldenTree reacted to Hjanep in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Congratulations!! Have you made a decision between NWP and UCI?
  9. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to Scribe in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    It's official:
    1. waitlists are moving
    2. there is rampant substance abuse among MFA program selection committees.
    I'm accepted at NWP.
  10. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to Sumire11 in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I've seen one person declining their offer and one giving up their waitlist, both for poetry. Nothing for fiction yet. I don't think I've seen offers for fiction anywhere as well. 
     @LivingUnderABigRock this is what I know about Arkansas
  11. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from branch in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Congrats, Branch! I remember when you first came on the thread! Really happy you got in somewhere. I hope it all works out great for you 🎉 
  12. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to lemmmein in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Ahhh congrats!! I still have my fingers crossed we'll be in the same cohort at NCSU, but I'm glad you have another great option. Also would love to read this story!!
  13. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to branch in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Everyone!!! I've been off the forums for a couple of weeks (for my own sanity), but my application round has officially come to a close... with an acceptance from San Francisco State University. I got the email last night and I'm still kind of in shock?! Trying not to let the imposter syndrome tell me it's not the achievement that it is. 
    SFSU was the only program I applied to that isn't fully funded, so all of it will depend on whether or not I get any scholarships (I applied by the priority consideration deadline), and I'll probably want to apply to some other fellowships on their list. But I would be able to stay local, continue working part-time at my current job, and not have to rush my wedding this summer. 
    NC State is still lingering out there, with waitlist decisions expected May 1. I'm not as wedded to it as I was before. If SFSU was meant to be, then I will take this as a sign!
    It's made me so proud to see all of your accomplishments, and I'm grateful that you all made a space for me here. You are all phenomenal writers with infinite promise, and life is full of chances. If there's one thing I've learned since submitting work professionally in the past couple of years, it's that a rejection is ultimately meaningless. Your acceptance is out there, your moment will come, and in the meantime, cultivate your craft and your love for it, continue to make it yours, and cherish the connection you have with your words, when it's just the two of you in a quiet room, and no one is listening. That will be your anchor, I promise!
    Much love!
    EDIT: Also, while all of this was going down... I made my first paid sale for a story earlier this month, in a magazine that I LOVE. The story had been rejected 5 times, subbed around for over a year. NEVER GIVE UP!
  14. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to jbs in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    University of Montana for poetry
  15. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to jbs in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Oh my god just got accepted at a school that I thought was a soft rejection. They mistyped my email. 
  16. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to Scribe in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I haven't been as active these last few days and I'm sorry since I told everyone I was hanging in here til the end. I still am and I know I haven't been up on my congrats, welcomes, and encouragements. 
    But I am still here and I am still behind you all. 
    For those in softrvlille and waitlistburg I hear you. I'm kinda there too and looking at the next stage of my life with sober anxiety. 
    There's a lot happening with respect to budgets. Both cohorts and stipends are being cut while some schools are expanding their programs in the hopes of gaining funding themselves. some are also increasing stipends in response to dramatic cost of living changes. It seems to me this year is one where you can really give yourself a break if you didn't get an A. I know there are some who are apprehensive (bullshit, it's just your pride) about approaching your recommenders again next year. Don't be. If you need an excuse, tell them about the budget cuts. Hell, lie and say you got in to a few places but it didn't work out. But do not give up. I am as dumb as dirt. I was rejected from TEN programs SO FAR. That does not include six (maybe seven - UW Seattle?) soft rejections. And there are more after that. In fact, it is quite possible the only reason i got in anywhere is because I cast such a wide net. Two programs rejected me TWICE! WTF is that about?
    I can be lighthearted about it all now, but you will be too. Keep writing. keep reading. Keep learning. 
    I am so grateful to you all.
  17. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to cowboifairy in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Ahhhh! so exciting! Congrats on the good news
  18. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to ssuunn in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Hey y'all, on mobile as I'm literally on the Amtrak train down to Eugene to visit UO. In for poetry at University of Houston!
  19. Upvote
    GoldenTree reacted to katerinamoon in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Hi all — longtime lurker finally deciding to post. I figured people here might have a better/quicker answer than Google to my question.
    I just completed my cycle with a rejection from Iowa. All in all, 6 rejections. I'm very lucky to also have received two waitlists, from Tennessee-Knoxville and Ole Miss. I was wondering if anybody had any insight as to when I might generally expect to receive notification of either getting off a waitlist or an official rejection. I think the suspense is going to kill me over the next month. I tried looking through past forums to see when others started getting off of waitlists, but it became really convoluted. 
  20. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to sciencebasedlifter in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    i interviewed with them for fiction and received an acceptance! it was pretty chill-- just come prepared to talk about what you're currently reading, what you've recently read that you didn't like (lol), why you think an MFA would help your writing (and why specifically Hunter) and then be sure to have a couple well-researched questions about the program. 
    Good luck!
  21. Like
    GoldenTree reacted to LinneaSage in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    Yesterday I was notified that I got an interview at Hunter (fiction applicant) so it might not be quite over! Wondering if there's any advice from people who have interview with them? It's so nerve wracking to have interviews this late in the game because it feels like my last hope!!!
  22. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from airlinefood_enjoyer in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I got a waitlist for Arkansas! A total surprise as I never reached out to my rec letter writers to see if they submitted letters. (I wasn't ready for them to ask if I had been accepted and for me to have say "no"). 
    Only two more schools to find out about. 🥺 Still no acceptances, but at least I know I'll be finishing this app cycle with two waitlists. 
  23. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from Scribe in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I got a waitlist for Arkansas! A total surprise as I never reached out to my rec letter writers to see if they submitted letters. (I wasn't ready for them to ask if I had been accepted and for me to have say "no"). 
    Only two more schools to find out about. 🥺 Still no acceptances, but at least I know I'll be finishing this app cycle with two waitlists. 
  24. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from writernity in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I got a waitlist for Arkansas! A total surprise as I never reached out to my rec letter writers to see if they submitted letters. (I wasn't ready for them to ask if I had been accepted and for me to have say "no"). 
    Only two more schools to find out about. 🥺 Still no acceptances, but at least I know I'll be finishing this app cycle with two waitlists. 
  25. Like
    GoldenTree got a reaction from sunnysequoia in 2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum   
    I got a waitlist for Arkansas! A total surprise as I never reached out to my rec letter writers to see if they submitted letters. (I wasn't ready for them to ask if I had been accepted and for me to have say "no"). 
    Only two more schools to find out about. 🥺 Still no acceptances, but at least I know I'll be finishing this app cycle with two waitlists. 
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