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  1. Has someone received acceptance from Boston College this round? Thank you!
  2. The announcement was quite new so I expect rejections are on the way. I second that, while I’m not sure about the whole picture. I was waitlisted by one Uni and I was informed by email, from which I saw 17 waitlisted candidates, this could be a large pool given that previous cohorts are 8~10. But you’re definitely making a good point, let’s be hopeful and wish all of us best of luck!
  3. Sadly I think yes, given that Harvard, a top-notch uni with diverse funding resources just announced that, I expect things can be worse for public ones, while I'm not an insider, things can be different across schools. As a waitlisted applicant by 4 programs, I hope all the waitlisted candidates in similar scenarios can at least have one secure place to go
  4. I’m sorry to bring some sad news - Harvard school of Arts&Science officially announced that it will reject all waitlisted applicants due to short of funding, which means no one will be off the list and offered a position. What a brutal situation
  5. it's for School of Arts & Science, covering a wide range of subjects beyond PoliSci. I tried to attach the link here but it was censored, you can google 'UPenn School of arts and science funding freeze'.
  6. It really seems a brutal round; just saw UPenn is negotiating to cut 40% of offers bc of trump
  7. Has anyone here received news from Boston College? It's been a while since two rejections were posted.
  8. I need something different to turn me on in this desperate application round. I'm watching Temptation Island instead, I would suggest you guys watch it if you haven't.
  9. I’m not sure about the dynamics this year round but from what I saw last year all the offers were released in one day. I also know someone personally accepted by NWU but didn’t post anything here so I expect actual offer holders, if not a lot more, can at least exceed 5. While scenario can be quite different across years, wish you luck on NWU and all of your options.
  10. I applied it last year too, I received the official rejection quite a while after I saw offers released
  11. It’s all good pal, wish you luck
  12. It was posted by me so it's not a troll. I contacted the department admin right after I saw rejs and offers here and was informed they would not consider my application anymore. Good luck with your application, if you have applied to it.
  13. It will be released in the second half of Feb
  14. Claiming Princeton rejection, 0A/8R/1WL/11P, really frustrated since I thought I was a strong candidate
  15. They haven’t sent out any updates yet
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