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pananoprodigy last won the day on January 29

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  1. I think it's definitely smart and totally appropriate to send an email letting them know what you said here (that they're your #1 and you would accept a place in the program immediately). A lot's been said here and on draft about how knowing that can realllyyy make a difference, given that these adcoms want the process to be finalized almost as bad as we do. If they're choosing between offering a spot to someone they know will accept it versus someone they're not sure will, oftentimes they'll go with the former. I hope you make it off the waitlist!!
  2. AMAZING!!! Congrats! I published a piece in BER last year (year before? idk) and the whole squad over there was so wonderful. I def didn't win the $1000 prize though - that's HUGE and I hope you're celebrating big tonight!
  3. I see that Boise did poetry interviews in early Feb, but there are no reports for fiction. Last year's spreadsheet only shows interviews for poetry as well. Do we think they only interview poetry for some reason? i.e. as a fiction writer who didn't get an interview, should I count them as a soft r?
  4. I want to say a massive ✨Thank You💫 to everybody who responded to my tiny wee crash out post the other day: @exvat, @curfew, @zaira, @everything bagel lover, @Sumire11, @Tuxedocat, @Chex. I'm so sorry if I missed anyone but I read them all with so much gratitude. Your words were so kind and I'm just really grateful for this community. edit: And for reporting purposes I also got my Brown rejection today. Taking Ls left and right and still we rise lol
  5. Hey guys, mopey ass bummer of a post coming through so if you're feeling fragile like me please ignore lol. I'm just having such a hard time today. Having done this whole shebang last year I knew how competitive it is and I applied to so many programs hoping I would at least end up with a few options. I feel like I don't really have a right to complain since I have a funded offer at NAU, but the stipend simply isn't livable on its own and if I haven't been able to get a job in my current city (I've been unemployed for 5 months) I don't see why it would be easier to get one in flagstaff which is a fraction of the size. I'm just so, so tired of being broke all the time. All I do is apply to jobs and all I hear back, if I'm lucky, is no. My ego is sooo bruised from these applications. I was finally getting to a point in my life/career where I felt like I had a wee bit of credibility as a writer; I finished an mfa in screenwriting, did a cool residency, got some short stories published, etc. But now it's all evaporated and I just feel like I'm in a never ending flop era. On top of all this my cat, my best friend in the world, died unexpectedly on Sunday night. He was kind of all I had going for me and now I'm just sitting here in my empty apartment feeling lost. Sorry to trauma dump, I just don't have anybody irl who really gets how taxing this process is and how it seeps into every other aspect of your life.
  6. Just got my U of Oregon rejection (haven't reported it in draft yet)
  7. Just checked mine - under Admissions Decision it says "In Progress" (I got my letter in the mail yesterday fwiw)
  8. Three years was definitely a big preference for me. From past experience (mfa in screenwriting) I know that in a 2 year program, by the time you sort of get in the swing of things the program is wrapping up. edit: That's not to say that you can't accomplish a ton in two years, just that I think a third really gives you space to incorporate a lot of the lessons (life-wise and curriculum-wise) you acquired in the first two.
  9. This should have been your writing sample fr. Instant As across the board
  10. I feel like I have the opposite problem where I've been mentally counting my waitlists as rejections and have therefore given them zero research or further consideration. If any of them turn into As it's actually going to be really jarring and I will for sure be in panic mode scrambling to make a decision. Yours seems like the healthier approach!!
  11. gahh this is so frustrating, I'm sorry. You never know, it could still come through! But dang what a bummer. I'm really on the fence about these programs that fund some but not all (i.e. the only kind of program I have an acceptance to). Like, I get it -- there's only so much money to be had -- but I can't help feeling like it's a weird dynamic to be in a workshop where some people are struggling to make rent and others are....admittedly still probably struggling to pay rent given these stipends, but like, maybe struggling a little less. I don't know, maybe I'm totally overthinking it and it's not an issue, but I can't help feeling like it's something that would come up in a social situation where you're in a cohort with only 3-5 other people.
  12. Waiting on Wyoming: A Novel, as well as Rutgers-Camden, Boise State, and Northern Michigan (although I applied for that last one thinking it was fully funded for some reason, but apparently it's not which is a bummer) Oh and Trinity College Dublin but I only applied there on the off chance I win the lottery and can afford a) tuition, b) the cost of relocating from California to Ireland 🤪
  13. Their insistence on snail mail in the year 2025 just comes off so pretentious and annoying to me idk
  14. Still crickets for me as well
  15. Anybody else officially in the spiraling/existential crisis/what am I even doing with my life phase? Everything just feels so exhausting and uncertain, which is kind of just how it feels to be a writer in general, and I hate it.
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