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  1. Hold tight ! I got an email today from them for sculpture saying thanks for my application and if they need anything they'll let me know ... which feels like a soft rejection lol. Im hoping I hear back from some other schools in a positive way so I stop mentally spiraling myself. I also saw you applied to SVA, im an SVA alum and a big fan of their facilities so if you have any questions let me know! I worked a lot in their printmaking studios the past two years for continuing ed and in undergrad.
  2. okay cool cool, they do have seperate programs and the ceramics facilities and community in phili is awesome so good luck to your friend! I applied for sculpture.
  3. ah, do you know for what concentration? not sure if that makes a difference lol
  4. Hey hey i think you also applied to Tyler? I did for sculpture. Let me know if you hear anything. Concept of your work sounds really interesting!
  5. anyone apply to university of georgia ?
  6. I wouldnt count it out, I feel like since I havent heard post interview I'm assuming rejection myself. They arent working off any timeline that was listed so who knows. Good luck with all your applications!
  7. Have you heard back at all?
  8. me, where are you applying?
  9. No I didn't tour MassArt, I kind of went with it because ideally I'd like to stay on the east coast, and their facilities seem really good but I have other schools that I'm more excited about, including BU. The BU info session was great, I definitely find the funding/ TA opportunities a little concerning but I agree they seem to have an expanded idea of sculpture which is good. Did you tour MassArt?
  10. hey hey i also applied to BU and MassArt fo sculpture , if you hear anything let me know lol! MassArt told me they start reviewing middle of January so wouldnt expect to hear from them for a bit.
  11. has anyone heard back from umass amherst? I interviwed on 12/13 havent heard back and no update on my app portal. kind of assuming rejection.
  12. anyone applying to unc? / have a read on the program?
  13. Did anyone else apply to UMass Amherst ? I saw someone last year in here get invited for an interview around Dec 9th and an acceptance really quickly after. Does anyone know if that's typical for the school or was that a fluke.. or maybe a fib lol? There timeline on the site is more like the typical Jan/ Feb but would be great to not have to wait anxiously if that was true.
  14. What concentration? NJ girl here, Rutgers/ Mason Gross is great. Train station right into NYC.
  15. For what concentration?
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