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Tuxedocat last won the day on March 9

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  1. Can I ask what the poetry specific issues are? Or can I DM you to ask? I’m meeting with their faculty this week as I was admitted to WashU for poetry at the start of March. Seconding this! Also, I’m so happy to hear you committed to Michigan 🥳!!!! I’m 99% sure I’m committing to Michigan but I have to wait it out a bit before I officially commit to see what happens with one of my waitlists. And I’m going to do some more talking with the faculty at WashU and some of the other programs that admitted me just to be certain. It is interesting that I had to leave Ann Arbor after Welcome Week for everything to click for me. There is something really special about the program and the people at UMichigan. Everyone is so kind, generous, and supportive. There is a lot of time and space given to your writing. There are so many opportunities for awards and funding (like travel/conference stipends, research funding, etc.) that further enrich the program. Just a really great program and environment all around.
  2. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you a virtual hug ❤️ Your post reminds me a bit of me last year. My contract job ended and had no openings on the team so I was left with nothing. I lived on unemployment for a bit while doing grad school apps until mine ran out (I’m not American so it’s a different system). Applied for countless jobs, sometimes even making it past the interview stage, and never heard back. I had to go back to freelancing and was forced to accept a project just to make ends meet that took over my life and all my time for months and underpaid me. The stress from the project and their late or missing payments was ruining me. In the end, I would have made more money working minimum wage. I felt like I was drowning. And then a friend died. Everything compounded. I saw grad school as my only escape so getting 1 waitlist that eventually became a rejection devastated me. I did have a family and a partner that were able to support me through the worst of times. It made me feel guilty for needing to rely on others, but I was deeply privileged to have their help. You aren’t asking for advice, so I won’t really offer much. But do some hard thinking about what you want your life to be. If you want to go to NAU, and you know the stipend isn’t enough, really think about if you can afford loans. Maybe you need to pick up some minimum wage jobs or serving or something over the summer to just stockpile as much money as possible before classes start. Maybe see if there are any scholarships you can apply for online (but no guarantee that will yield anything). Maybe you can reach out to the program or current students to see if they have advice. I know with FAFSA you might be able to be part of a work study program, but not sure if that conflicts with your program. It’s likely going to be a difficult road ahead for a while either way unfortunately. Again, I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I lost a dear family member last week. I don’t know what it is about springtime and death. I’m thankful that this time I have some concrete offers, but it doesn’t fully take away the pain. I’m rooting for your success ❤️ Feel free to DM me if you ever want to talk.
  3. Waitlisted at Iowa omfg please let it turn into an acceptance 😭😭 PLEASE
  4. I’m waitlisted there for poetry if that helps. My waitlist email said the program had “reached capacity” so I assume all acceptances and waitlists should be out.
  5. Still nothing on draft! A lot of programs are behind this year so they might also be delayed.
  6. I was accepted to WashU for poetry on March 1! I mentioned my acceptance both here and on the draft spreadsheet but it was a while ago so easily missed if you weren’t checking that day. Seems that was the day poetry people were notified about acceptances for WashU. Visiting day is next week and I was sent emails shortly after March 1st with details about visiting day that seemed to have been sent to all accepted MFA students or at least poets. So I imagine all acceptances have been done for a while. Although, it seems waitlists for poetry have been coming out today/recently.
  7. Regarding accepted student weekends, all of the ones from my schools have been mid-late March (except Bowling Green which was in Feb). Michigan and WashU is next week, and NYU has a couple dates across March and maybe early April from what I recall (been awhile since I looked at their dates). Obviously, schools that haven’t released decisions will probably have them later. I also thought to mention this because I recall someone suggesting that WashU might not have released all results yet. Their welcome day invite for next week is for all the MFA students, and their grad student info sessions are tomorrow and next week. So I’d be surprised if they aren’t don’t releasing fiction acceptances yet.
  8. CONGRATS!!! 🎉🎈🎊
  9. Oh I meant why so late at night. It was after midnight EST when you posted which would be 11pm Iowa time. And it’s a Sunday! This is all assuming you posted soon-ish after the call so maybe they called much earlier
  10. WOW congrats everyone!! Amazing! But why are they all calling so late?😭
  11. Yeah sure! Accepted to the following schools (in no particular order): Michigan, WashU, NYU, Columbia, University of Florida, Bowling Green, New Hampshire, University of British Columbia (Canadian school) waitlists: Virginia Tech, NC State (I applied to these two a bit last minute so I see my waitlists here as super impressive) rejections: Northwestern Litowitz, Wisconsin, Cornell, and U of Toronto (the last one is an MA program in Canada and I think they had issues with my prerequisites because I attended undergrad in the USA)
  12. I might take you up on that if I decide on Michigan! Yeah I thought it was such a great stipend and then I saw the price of rent and went 😳
  13. Oh man. I think Michigan? I’m going to their visiting weekend soon so I’m holding off on making any decisions until then. Their program really aligns with my goals, has a great stipend, and lots of resources. The location is the best of all my acceptances so far because it’s only 4-5 hours drive away from my family and where I live now. It also was one of my top choice schools when applying! But rent is expensive in Ann Arbor and I want to see how the visiting weekend goes. All the programs that accepted me are really fantastic and I’d be happy to attend any of them. It’s really a toss up between most of them, hence why I’m waiting to turn a bunch of them down until after the Michigan visit. I do still have 3 schools left. But it’s okay if today was my last acceptance. I am beyond spoiled for choice, and perhaps my good fortune has come to an end. I am just hoping for closure by the end of this upcoming week!
  14. AHHH thank you so much!!!! Got the call for Florida today (accepted for poetry) for those not on draft! I’ve been sick for the past few days so this jolted me out of delirium 😭 8a/2w/4r/3p right now! what a change up from last year!! Also, I really hope you get funding from CSU! Crossing my fingers for you 🤞 sounds like a fantastic program!
  15. I think UVA waitlists usually come 1 day later so that could still happen!
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