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crashandburn's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hi! I graduated from a B.Tech. in Engineering Physics course from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 2007: GPA: 2.8/4 (there are 3 semesters, semesters 2nd,3rd and 4th during which I did really badly rest have a semester specific GPA of >= 3/4) Research work: Internship in defense research and development organization's optics lab in adaptive optics, did good work in numerical methods and algorithms. My supervisor was a mid-level research scientist who is one of my recomendersone year undergraduate project: mostly physics related (study of surface plasmon resonance in nano-particles) but I did numerical analysis and simulation work by my own initiative. My supervisor was a professor who is comfortable with writing a strong recommendation for me. working as a software engineer and work with Expert systems, and Domain Specific Languages and their editors. My boss is somewhat known in his field and is also one of my recommenders.learned theory of neural networks and implemented a java class library for neural networks by myself, learned theory of compilers and wrote parsers/lexers/translators by myself (these assertions will hopefully be verified in the letters of recommendation)GRE scores: quantitative: 800, verbal: 640 TOEFL score: 103 Why do I have a low GPA?: I feel like an idiot for this but for a period of ~1.5 years I wanted to be a professional musician, (it did kind of work and I play with local bands in my city (mostly to pass my time on weekends and earn some extra cash)) and I spent most of time trying to accomplish that. I realize that this is a very unconventional background for a CS Ph.D. Do I stand a chance? And if I do, which schools should I apply to?
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