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Everything posted by SLPAB

  1. UofA doesn't place a huge emphasis on GPA. I would say it would be important to look at your references and your statement of intent. Those are what set you apart from other students, even if you have an impressive resume and 4th quartile scores. From what I've heard, references and the statement is what UofA weighs heaviest. UofA ESPECIALLY wants to see EDI (equity, diversity and inclusion) directly embedded into quite literally everything you submit to them. If you're applying again, I would recommend adding more EDI into your application. I've heard that often, really strong applicants may not get accepted due to this. Honestly I think they care more about what you say and have experience with related to EDI over your GPA. (Other schools in Canada are different though, this is just my understanding of the UofA)
  2. I was accepted into the UofA with a GPA of 3.95. However, I think GPA is the least of concern for UofA unlike other schools. I've seen people get accepted into the UofA anywhere above a 3.6 (personally haven't seen below that). UofA focuses way more on your statement and references
  3. Is anyone aware of how many people apply to SLP at the UofA? I heard during covid it was around 150-200 people which doesn't seem like a lot, but wondering if anyone knows these stats for UofA this year? I'm guessing it's probably much less than the Ontario schools
  4. From what I've heard, that definitely wouldn't impact whether or not you get into the program. UofA is different that way. They don't really care in your application if you want to do a thesis or not if you know what I mean. And I've heard from previous year's applicants that putting a supervisor in the application doesn't impact whether or not you get accepted. So putting a supervisor in your application isn't actually officially applying for the thesis route, as they make you "apply" for it in the first/second week of classes. I'm just translating what I've heard from other people
  5. Not sure if you know, but once you get accepted into SLP at the UofA, then you can ask to do the thesis route! It's not a direct application like other schools from my understanding, as UofA requires you to be accepted into the general program first, and then by the first week of classes you can ask for the thesis route.
  6. My official offer letter hasn't shown up yet, but I think it's because they said they can't process my acceptance until they receive my final transcripts to confirm I have graduated since I'm finishing my last semester of my undergrad right now. So I'm guessing mine will show up once I get my final grades for the semester and send them my transcripts
  7. Thanks for making one! I requested to join
  8. Good luck to everyone receiving admission decisions right now! I got into the UofA on the 28th and decided to make an account on here
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