Hey all! I am hoping folks can provide some advice or insight as I am currently a Social Worker with my BSW and have been working in the field for approximately 2 and a half years. I have however over the past year, maybe slightly longer been very strongly considering going for my MSW but have a few concerns...
My first concern is my grades from York are a total of about a 6.4 out of a 9 which I believe would equal somewhere near a 72% or 73% (correct me if im wrong) and so, would this be enough?
My second concern is I am really unsure about online work unless it is Synchronus where there is still a designated time to meet with the professor and etc. I know of the University of Windsor MSW for working professionals program, is there possibly any other either Part time programs within Toronto and the GTA or another Synronus online program?
Lastly, if in the case it turns out I do need to upgrade my grades... any idea what I can do? I genuinely really dont want to give up... but it partially seems if York wont allow me to upgrade, I may have run out of options for my MSW?
Thanks in advance everyone!