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foucult last won the day on May 6 2024

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  1. When I emailed about potential funding increases and whether it would be advised to start in September instead of May, I got the below response - not very helpful but seems like they are just as clueless as we are: Thank you for reaching out. The three federal granting agencies (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR) welcome the new investments in Canada's research ecosystem, including the increase of the annual value of master's and doctoral student scholarships, and postdoctoral fellowships. As is the usual process following a Federal Budget announcement, we are awaiting further direction from the government. We will share more information with awardees, grantees and institutions once it becomes available, however, we do not have a timeline of when this can be expected. That said, you may choose to change the start date of your award without any supporting documents until January 1, 2025 (last date available). To do so, please send me an email requesting this change. A deferral of start date may also be requested, but it must follow our regulations, as outlined in the TARTAHG. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions.
  2. Thank you!! Incredibly frustrating that the process is so black-boxed. In solidarity 👊
  3. Thank you surrealist ❤️ It seems like committee 3 had a higher cut-off than usual, looks like I made it by the skin of my teeth with 10.75.
  4. Yes I received an email around 8pm last night and my last name begins withC
  5. Congrats on your award! In my "notice of award" document, there's a section for "Award holders attending a foreign Institution". It could be that because you were awarded CGS-D and it can only be held at a Canadian institution, there's no foreign option, so you'll have to wait for them to switch you over to the Doctoral Fellowship.
  6. From what I heard from previous applicants, they switch you over from the CGS-D to the Doctoral Fellowship which can be held at universities abroad. Not sure if this means that the funding is bumped down from 35k to 20k.
  7. My application was successful best of luck to those waiting to hear, and commiserations to those that have received disappointing news. The process is arbitrary at its best. I received the doctoral fellowship (I've already started my programme at a university in the UK) and the amount listed in my funding offer is $20,000, so it looks like they haven't applied the funding increase to the awards this year (yet). My funding starts in May 2024 and I'm wondering if it's worth it to request a later start date in the fall in case the funding increase comes in at the start of the next academic school year. Wish they had waited to announce the funding increases after all the information/timelines were confirmed.
  8. These are the results for committee 3E: Applications: 97 Fellowships Offered: 41 (432.3%) Fellowships Not Offered: 56 (57.7%)
  9. Oh man! Another day of torture 😭
  10. Fingers crossed we hear today!!🤞
  11. Anyone got anything yet? The wait is killing me 😭 Can't focus on anything except refreshing my email
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