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Everything posted by artyphd

  1. Found out my results. Last name L, Committee 1. Received SSHRC! Score was 9.92/12
  2. Last year I was also in Committee 1, and I received my email at 5:45pm PST. Let us assume it is early evening at the soonest!
  3. How do you know what committee you are in? Edit: I googled it, like a real researcher: https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/apply-demande/background-renseignements/doctoral_committees-comites_doctorat-eng.aspx Committee 1!
  4. A professor in my department told me that departments know ahead of time for the CGS-M but cannot tell students. For the doctoral competition results, they find out when we tell them. Last year I found out at 5:30 PST. Going to a friends for dinner tonight and don't know if I should bring champagne or liquor!
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