I interviewed for painting last Friday and also felt very intimidated! Idk how different it will be for sculpture. All my interviewers where painters. The interview was with five people, three professors and two alumni.
They started by asking "Tell me about yourself and your work." Then they asked a lot of questions following up on what I said about my work and what I had written about my approach in my statement. They also asked my to choose a piece in my portfolio and talk about it. I talked about the inspiration for the piece, how it fit into my portfolio conceptually, and the techniques I was using to create the piece. And then they asked me a lot of followup questions about my explanation.
They also asked Why Columbia? how moving to NYC would change my work, and if I had questions for them.
Overall I felt like they were paying close attention to my answers and asking really specific and complex follow-up questions. But they seemed genuinely interested in what I was saying and wanted to know more. For an example of a follow-up they asked: How do you grapple with the challenging subject matter of spirituality in your work while approaching the more formalist aspects of your work?
They were polite but didn't give me a lot feedback on how I was doing (facial expressions or responses) and I had no idea how I did coming out of the interview.