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Everything posted by HotGirlMidsommar

  1. Seriously. Has anyone ever heard of anyone who got funding at Columbia? Some people I really like came out of there, but who can do 200 - 300K in loans for an MFA?
  2. Hello! First time applying for MFA programs. I've been out of undergrad for 8 years and already have an Masters degree, so going to be interesting to see how this goes. I'm applying for fiction and haven't completely narrowed down my list, but rn I'm seriously looking at applying to (in no particular order): UArizona, Brown, Michigan, UT-Austin, Columbia, NYU, WUSTL, UMass Amherst, Sarah Lawrence, Northwestern, UVA, Iowa, UCSD, Minnesota, Irvine and Boston. But from browsing last year's thread it seems like I might want to apply to all of them!
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