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Everything posted by samlyn

  1. Yep, I'm really only looking in the city or within commuting distance. Thanks for the tip on Rutgers! I had heard of the Rutgers-Camden program and didn't realize the Newark campus also granted MFAs. I will definitely look into it. Good to know also about Columbia. Even in the extraordinary event I were to get funding, I don't know how I would feel about attending a program where many of my classmates are going into $100,000+ debt. Feels...icky, and also like it might attract a certain type of student. My perspective on funding/debt is that if my writing isn't good enough to get me funded1, I'm probably not ready to be in a program. In that case, I'll keep working and apply again some other year. 1 - At least partially funded to the extent I don't need to take on debt - I pretty much expect to work during the program and could afford to pay a small amount of tuition from savings.
  2. Thank you for reminding me Stony Brook has a writing program! My sister briefly attended there for undergrad and liked it a lot, though she ended up transferring for unrelated reasons Their main campus is a bit far from me, but the Manhattan extension would be doable. I am really interested in teaching opportunities (tutored writing in undergrad and loved it), so I'm a bit wary that those opportunities may only be available on their Long Island campus, but I still think it's worth applying. They are not fully funded but offer funding to a few students a year I think. I'm actually originally from Upstate and have a lot of love for the region. Tbh Syracuse would be top of list if it were feasible for me to move again, if for no other reason than for the potential to work with George Saunders. Maybe I'll consider it if I reapply in a few years, but right now I can't ask my partner to uproot her personal and professional life again. Lots of good options up that direction though - Cornell also comes to mind, which I see is on your list!
  3. Hi all! I'm hoping to apply to a few MFA (Fiction track) programs for the first time this year, just to see. For this round I am only planning to apply to schools in New York - my partner and I have moved around a lot recently and I'm going to need a few years before I consider uprooting my life for the Midwest again. Right now my list is Hunter, Brooklyn College, and NYU. I might also apply to the New School, but I don't think they have the teaching opportunities I'm looking for, and I'm still trying to figure out if Columbia offers anyone enough funding to avoid 20 years of debt hell. Looking forward to this journey with all you cool people - good luck everyone!
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