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Everything posted by lizamags

  1. I don't have anything constructive to add, but I just want you to know that I'm in the exact same boat. Started undergrad with a 3.9 and ended with a 3.1. You posted this a while ago, so I'm not sure if anything has changed for you, but I'm starting the application process and its nice to know there's more of me out there
  2. Hi everyone! I just joined gradcafe because a very similar question to mine popped up when I was doing some googling, but I'm wondering if anyone has a fresh perspective. I got my BA in History last year and I'm looking to apply to masters programs for either 2025 or 2026. I'm planning to switch disciplines to religion/theology. The issue I'm having is that my undergrad GPA is extremely low (over a 3.0, but barely). I was in an extremely unhealthy mental state my junior/senior year of college when I was writing possible writing sample material, which negatively affected the quality of the work. (I was more focused on trying not to d-- than write an essay). Because my grades got so bad, there's a lot riding on my writing sample/personal statements/experience etc when thinking about grad school apps. The writing samples I have are history/sociology based, so still humanities, but different disciplines, and they need pretty serious reworking. I'm considering starting from scratch. I'm abroad right now on a Fulbright grant, which I'm hoping will really mean something when I apply to schools, and which gives me a lot of time to work on a brand new, more relevant writing sample. Do you guys think it would be worth it to just start over? Or do you think I should work with what I have? My current favorite paper is about 18th century prostitution, which has the potential to be good, or I could write something more specific to religion. Pls let me know your thoughts and also pls be nice I'm pretty embarrassed about the bad grades :(
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