I am sure you have already applied to all of your programs, but I just wanted to let you know that if you are still considering the New School, there are a few things you should know:
1. If you are not sure if you want to do a PhD, getting an MA in Anthro. at the New School would be a great start. Unlike other programs--including Ivies--they do offer tuition scholarships based on academic merit and need. I know many people who have tuition remission between 25 - 100%. In your second year, you can also get an RA or TAship. Columbia University, for example, does not offer ANY funding for master's students.
2. The Anthropology program has grown in the last few years, but the faculty has also grown. Two new junior faculty have joined in the last year, and a job search for an additional senior faculty member will most likely be underway in the next year or two. My own experience with the faculty and access to them has been exceptional.
3. Like all schools, getting into a PhD is never guaranteed--whether you do a BA or an MA at that institution. At the New School, however, you will only be "competing" with those within your cohort who apply. Tuition is covered, and there are several sources of funding--of course, the funding at NSSR is not comparable to PhD teaching fellowships at other New York schools. Apply for outside funding as well!
Hopefully this information will help you make your decision to apply/not apply in the next couple of days (due on Tuesday to be eligible for scholarships!). I will leave you by adding that the preparation for doctoral studies at the New School, especially for those who may not have a background in Anthropology (as an undergrad or otherwise), is fantastic. I went to an Ivy as an undergrad and have taken graduate courses there, and I can say, without a doubt, that the New School has been an ideal space for critical academic engagement and collaboration with colleagues and professors alike. I have never been more intellectually challenged than in my classes at the New School.
Good luck with your applications!