Undergrad Institution: Top 25 Public School (Large State Public School - Big 10)
Major: Mathematics and Applied Statistics
GPA: 3.99/4.00
Major GPA: 4/4
Type of Student: Domestic (Minority)
GRE General Test: Haven't taken it yet.
Intro to Discrete Math (A+), Ordinary Differential Equations (A), Algebra( Fundamental properties of integers, polynomials, groups, rings, and fields, etc.) (A), Intro to Differential Geometry and Topology (A), Applied Regression Analysis (A), Design of Experiment (A), Foundations of Analysis (Real) (A), Statistical Theory (A+), Intro to Time Series (A), Probability (A+), Calc 3 (A), Linear Algebra (A+), Linear Algebra 2 (A), Vector Calculus (A), Intro Stats (A+), Coding in C (A), Coding in Python for Data Analysis (A+)
Underlined Courses are Grad Level
Research Experience:
- Did a year long research project through my school where I partnered with the SAS institute to develop a forecasting model for traffic flow. Tested six different analytical models using SAS Forecast Studio, resulting in the selection of a Stacked Model (Neural Network + Time Series). Also presented the findings at my school's undergradaute research symposium twice. Although I wasn't part of the team that submitted the report, some of my group mates submitted the research to an international SAS tournament, where they won second place. SAS and Python (for data crawling)
- 1.5 years on an NSF-sponsored REU on biomechancial modellng of a leg following a Hill-type muscle model in flight and stance phase as it hopped. Basically analyzing ODEs and a bit of using genetic algorithms through SIMULINK and MATLAB. I was published in my school's undergraduate research journal for this.
- 6 month REU in Algebraic Geometry, presented findings in a report
- 6 month project on NLP and SEO analysis of a blog. Presented findings at my school's undergraduate research symposium
- 6 month Reading Course in Real Analysis (Rudin)
Outstanding Senior in Statistics, Departmental Mathematics Scholarship, bunch of fraternity scholarships, summa cum laude
- Strong: Industrial Engineering professor who oversaw my forecasting research project, and helped me with learning the fundamentals of ML
- Strong: Math Professor who supervised my biomechanical modelling project
- Decent: Deciding between the reading course professor (Math), or another Stats professor
Pertinent Activities or Jobs:
Tutored for Math Department + Various academic leadership positions in my fraternity
Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help:
I'm a PR of the US, and I came from a third-world country (population < 30 mil). Almost couldn't afford college because the economy of my country collapsed, and I only got through college because of scholarships, financial aid and working over the summers in odd jobs. Also planning on taking some online coding courses, in case it seems as if I haven't taken enough coding coursework.
Research Interests:
- Statistical Learning
- Biostatistics (although I have no prior experience in it)
I would really appreciate any honest feedback of my profile, and any recommendations for programs (outside of the one's good for my research interests). Preferably a range of schools I should look at.