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  1. Hi! I applied to graphic design.
  2. I also heard this in my interview when I asked! Pretty exciting that it’s coming up soon!
  3. Does anyone know when RISD will send out financial aid info?
  4. I have heard from CalArts, they didn’t do any interview with me they just sent an email out with my acceptance a few weeks ago. Not sure if that’s the same process for everyone and for every program, but it seems like they might not do interviews. That was for graphic design!
  5. Wow thank you so much! That means a lot. I’ve been very lucky this round to have had such success. I hope interviews have been going well for you and that you get accepted into the program(s) you are hoping for!
  6. Update on the schools I applied to this round (my first round of grad applications): RISD: Accepted & waiting on financial aid package to be sent out next week Yale: Interviewed & awaiting response Cranbrook: Accepted with half tuition scholarship CalArts: Accepted SVA: Accepted Otis: Accepted I feel like my stress that has been taking over my life the past few months is finally going away. Things are starting to feel real!
  7. I interviewed for graphic design (not sure if the interviews vary per program) but they ask you to present and prepare your own work to share. The way it worked in my interview is that we had a brief chat on my experience and what I’ve been up to over the last couple years. Then I was asked to begin the presentation I had prepared of my work. The presentation lasts 10 minutes and you are given permission to share your screen during that time. After that, the rest of my interview was filled with a series of in depth questions from each of the faculty present in the interview.
  8. Did anyone else interview with Yale for graphic design? If so, did you hear back? I feel like my interview wasn’t stellar so I wouldn’t be shocked if I don’t get in there. I’m leaning towards RISD anyways I think
  9. Me too! Congrats 💫
  10. I just got an (unofficial) acceptance letter into RISD’s GD program from the design faculty! This is my dream program & school so I had to stop by and share my excitement. I’m wishing everyone here good vibes as you continue with interviews! I hope you all get accepted into the program you hope for ✨
  11. Just got an interview request with Cranbrook!
  12. Graphic design!
  13. This is so exciting! Congrats! What program are you applying for? I’m also interviewing at RISD & Yale.
  14. Hi for those of you that have interviewed before, what was that process like? I know it varies from school to school and all the programs are different but I have my first interview on Saturday and have no idea what to expect.
  15. I did as well! I’m applying to the graphic design program. What are you applying to?
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