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boltcutter last won the day on January 22

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    MFA Sculpture

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  1. I sent emails to whoever I was in contact with - the people that interviewed me and/or the admissions lead - right before formally declining the spots via the website.
  2. the letter I opened on the 6th had no specific information about financial aid but then a new letter was added that had the payment breakdown.
  3. Yes! I applied to four programs that I could get to from my home (I have 3 kids and my husband's job is here...so no re-locating). I got into all four programs which was a shock - SMFA, BU, MassArt, and RISD. I chose RISD primarily because it has everything I want from a program from the course load, pedagogical structure, facilities, student work past/present, and a professor who makes work that I love and want to learn from. It is unfortunately by far the most expensive program and I received the least amount of funding for it; however with my kids it is childcare that is the greater barrier to my enrollment over finances, and not only is RISD my favorite program, it is also a bike ride away which will allow me better tailor my studio hours to my availability.
  4. No and it's driving me a little nuts was told me we'd be getting them this week, so I'm trying to settle down. Eager to get this signed and sealed.
  5. Did you get funding anywhere else? For my top choice I did NOT receive need-based funding for but every other program offered my merit scholarships immediately. I shared the scholarships with the grad director and they were able to negotiate with the financial aid office for some funding, albeit not a ton.
  6. GOOD FOR YOU! by the time I was 28 I thought I was too old and then gave up the dream. What bunk that was.
  7. NOT TOO OLD. I'm in my later 30s with a family and a job. Every school I talked to seemed not only accepting of but excited for older students - they told me the median age for grad school is now is actually like 27-35.
  8. Is anyone starting to turn down schools as they get offers they are more excited about? This part feels really strange and icky.
  9. I went to undergrad in San Diego and my professor had gone to Cranbrook. Obviously he went long time ago, but he absolutely LOVED it and a few other people I graduated with eventually went to Cranbrook as well. All that is to say - I have only ever thought of it as a top school with great students matriculating.
  10. In my conversation they just said official letters/aid info sent by the 6th...anxious to get it signed
  11. incredible feeling!!!!
  12. Hey that's killer! Good luck on your other interviews and maybe we will end up being in the program together if that's where you decide to go!
  13. I got an acceptance call on Thursday for RISD Sculpture! This is my absolute dream program. I keep pinching myself.
  14. I had an interview for RISD sculpture last week, so sorry you didn't get an invite. I've been there when I applied to schools in the past and I know that is really hard.
  15. @Sleepyguy@Painter55 @prosthetic_head I do think that making personal connections at programs where such a thing is possible is HUGE, but it doesn't need to be an in-person thing. I was able to do portfolio reviews with the four programs I applied to, 2 as part of the national portfolio review day and 2 offered reviews independently.I also attended every virtual open house/virtual Q&A session that these schools offered, and in two instances that meant I was able to talk "face to face" with program directors and to ask them questions. With all of this not only was my name at least on some vague list, I felt like I **KNEW** what these programs were looking for and was able to tailor my portfolio/writing accordingly.
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