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Everything posted by beet_root

  1. That’s awesome! It’s one of my favorite local journals for sure (I’m based in Minnesota). tonight, I’ll be celebrating by making myself a top notch quesadilla 😋
  2. Thank you! Y’all are too kind
  3. aw thank you 😊
  4. Thank you so much! And yes, the story will appear in MNSU’s Blue Earth Review soon—I’ll post the link once it’s up. In the meantime, please check out their website! It’s a rad graduate lit mag.
  5. Thank you so much! And yes, the story will appear in MNSU’s Blue Earth Review soon—I’ll post the link once it’s up. In the meantime, please check out their website! It’s a great graduate lit journal.
  6. screw brown, I just won a $1000 prize for my writing!!! freaking out rn
  7. Can you expand on the “weird vibes” you sensed? How did you even get a good enough feel of the faculty for that to happen? I can hardly find any info on the profs in most programs.
  8. me too! high five lol
  9. I put down Raven Leilani as one of my influences as well! Luster rocked my shit.
  10. It's weird that page numbers are generally expected and yet I've never seen any program actually specify that they expect them. Like, 12-pt font and double-spacing always come up, but never page numbers.
  11. Not liking the faculty's work doesn't necessarily mean that you won't learn anything of value from the professors. After all, they were offered positions at renowned MFA programs, and they (along with the alumni) likely all have work that has appeared in publications of genuine esteem. I wouldn't recommend turning down a program just because the faculty's work doesn't align with your taste.
  12. submitted my first application earlier this week (cornell). only nine more to go 😅 good luck all!
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