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  1. I'm sure we will know more after 15th of April when all people either accepted or rejected their offers! I hope you get in soon 🙏 ❤️
  2. Hi! So, I was informed I was being high up on a waitlist on the 10th of Feb but I just missed the email. Since then, I have replied and I phone the department. They were understanding and said they will keep in touch in the event that a space opens up. I haven't seen any new updates on gradcafe for this department, so I think they are genuinely trying to figure out what they can afford before they make final decisions. I'm still keeping my hopes up for this one! Did you get any more offers in the meantime?
  3. Guys, please, realistically, what are my chances? I received a very nice email from Pittsburgh on the 10th of February, but I didn't see it until today. Turns out it was waiting for me in the spam. They said they'd love to have me in the department but they are waiting to hear about funding and they said I've been waitlisted. I've been radio silent because I thought I didn't receive any emails. I replied now reinstating my commitment to the department and my interest in pursuing PhD at Pittsburgh. I'm not getting in, am I? 😫
  4. Any news from Pittsburgh, anyone? 🤔 We're on the 19th of March and I still haven't heard back.
  5. You've not done anything wrong! They have so many qualified candidates for a few spots. It really comes down to luck! For us international students, we can't even go to meet PIs in person to create a decent relationship so it's harder.
  6. As daunting as this cycle is, we're all in a similar boat! I'm waiting for my last one to reject me. At the same time, I was told by one professor from a reputable university that it took them 3 rounds of applications to get in and now he's a well-known professor, so it's just hard but possible!
  7. Congratulations on your admission. What university is this? Was it supposed to be a fully funded program? Why is there no additional funding? Can they at least fund you after your external scholarship expires?
  8. We're in the same boat! Also got rejected from them, did you get a generic rejection or did they mention anything about applying for the next year/encouraging you to apply? Which one are you waiting to hear from? I'm waiting for 2 more but apparently UNM doesn't provide great funding, so if I do get in somehow, I don't know how I'd be able to pay for it.
  9. The wait is really long. Is anyone still waiting to hear back from some other universities? Anyone waiting for Pittsburgh, New Mexico, Northwestern, Minnesota Communication Arts?
  10. They're taking longer than usually because of funding issues. They probably have fewer spaces than what they hoped for at first. They'll be going back and forth on certain applicants until everyone is in agreement. Also, they're waiting for people to decline offers, so they can extend offers to other students who are their maybes.
  11. They haven't released for this department yet, I'm still waiting too. Good luck to all of us! We can make it guys, I know we can, we've worked so hard for this!
  12. Fingers crossed for you 🤞 I'm already preparing applications for the next intake. It is what it is. I've got 6 more chances, but I'm being realistic.
  13. I think some people posted either on this forum here or on grad cafe updates. Some people got decisions already.
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