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Everything posted by phantomlime

  1. Just wanted to share this where others might empathize or have thoughts-- I have 3 admits and 1 waitlist at the moment. One of the programs would be incredible, it was pretty much exactly what I was looking for. The biggest issue is the funding -- it can't compete at all with another school. And I really love all the schools I applied to! But this one is just an incredible match, I just have that gut feeling about it. But I know that there is no way I could live in Denver on a 10k/year stipend that is not guaranteed for more than 2 years. Another program which is much closer to my family (which is important to me) is giving me 27k/yr for five years. And I do really love that program! I don't know. I just feel so torn and crushed... I can't sign myself up for five-six years of scrapping together funding when a) I have another option that would guarantee that I didn't have to do that and b) external funding sources for sociologists (and my research interests, specifically) are potentially going away, who knows, right? But I feel no security looking for external funding, especially with the Trump administration doing whatever the hell with NIH, NSF, and CDC (I do medical soc). Am I making the wrong decision by going to a program that doesn't give me the same gut feeling but would support me financially infinitely better? Don't get me wrong -- I am excited by the program! But the other one is just so specifically perfect because it's an interdisciplinary degree centered on my research interests, rather than a sociology degree with a department that fits my interests. And I want to be a sociologists, but the interdisciplinary degree has so many people who not only do med soc but do MY type of med soc. This decision has been weighing on me so bad there are days when I can barely keep food down (well, that and the general state of the US and the implications for our discipline). Ugh. This is a problem that 3 months ago me wished to have but now I wish the interdisciplinary program rejected me so I didn't have to even consider turning them down. Which is a ridiculous thought, but I just can't imagine 10,000/year, with maybe an additional 5-7k if I TA as well (again, only for 2 years). When compared to a guarantee of 27k for 5 years, it just feels stupid to choose that program. Genuinely heartbroken. Not to mention that all my big-name school decisions are still yet to be returned. Not that I expect admits from them, but it's just hard to make this decision when I'm still waitlisted at one of my top choices and the other big-names haven't release their choices yet (well, two have, one seems to have sent out the first like 4-7 admits but didn't release waitlists/rejects. UPenn I expect a reject from either way because they are my weakest fit). And I have to make a decision by March 3. AH! The stress is killing me. Still not worse than when I was writing my applications, though.
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