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vilum last won the day on February 17

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  2. definitely food for thought, thank you for the suggestion! telling a part of the story from the pov of a minor character is actually a really amazing idea I hadn't thought of! not that i could attend without full funding, but it would still be a big achievement to be considered for a spot in my dream school... thanks for the info!
  3. can anyone on draft see how many acceptances for NYU fiction there are? thank you so much...
  4. This is super helpful, thank you so much! I will look out for the class this fall
  5. Hi friends! Since I am already in the mindset that I will have to apply next year (waiting on Brown and non-fully funded acceptances from NYU, which I could not afford anyways), I wanted to ask some advice. This year I submitted two heavily workshopped short stories, which were evidently unsuccessful. After I was done with my applications, I started working on a novel (my second), which is set in my current work context - the high fashion industry! I am deeply absorbed in it as of right now, and could not imagine shifting my focus back onto short stories. From what I've heard, it is best for application purposes to submit short stories instead of novel excerpts. And I understand why. If I were to follow this approach for next season, I would like to start working on my samples now, so that I can have time to let them breathe and workshop them thoroughly. But then again, my head is in my novel. I'm debating to apply again with the first three chapters of my novel, but since it spans the course of twenty years, and by chapter three one of the main characters isn't even introduced yet, I'm worried the admissions committees cannot fully grasp the thematic line of the plot in its entirety. Any advice is welcome! Thank you ❤️
  6. thank you! is it so misleading to think there still hope?
  7. on that note, did all acceptances for NYU go out? even those without the biggest funding package?
  8. I work for a big fashion house, and finding time to write is very hard. At least, being immersed in this crazy world has given me inspiration for a novel! But I plan to quit soon to pursue something else, less "glamorous", that gives me the chance to spend more time doing what I love. Currently at 0A/1W/3R/1P, feeling demotivated to write and unhopeful for the future.
  9. brb crying... nyu has always been my dream school
  10. same. the anxiety is really getting to me. at this point i just want to know 😔 still nothing on draft?
  11. I really hope you're right, and congratulations on your acceptances! You rock!
  12. thank you so much! you are so kind and praying for you to get in your top choice!
  13. I'm currently waitlisted at vanderbilt (no way that's gonna happen) and pending on NYU and Brown. Should've applied to more schools but I got so overwhelmed with the process so... for next year lol
  14. happy monday everyone! are we expecting news from nyu this week? when did acceptances go out in previous years?
  15. that’s amazing i am so happy for u 🙏🏻❤️
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