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Posts posted by MsTiaLia

  1. Hi Mydragonflies,

    Personally, I wouldn't submit the article. I think the topic is a bit too controversial. When applying to graduate programs, the applicant's "fit" with the program and professors is really important. So, I wouldn't take the chance of someone who disagrees reading the article. Maybe if it were another topic, but people usually feel very strongly, one way or the other, on the topic of abortion. There isn't much of a grey area. That's just my opinion though:) Did you get your LSAT scores yet?

  2. Congratulations! That is wonderful! So it looks like MSW programs may not make decisions as quickly as some of these other Masters programs and the PhD programs. That is good to know. The wait is making me SO nervous! I am hoping for good news too. One of my coworkers has predicted that I will be accepted on the 15th. Ha! I can't wait for this wait to be over! I'll bet you're sleeping better at night :lol:

  3. I am from SC, but not Clemson. My sister has spent a couple of summers at Clemson though and my mom said it is in the middle of NOWHERE! lol Seriously though, I think they saw cows. I had about 4 or 5 friends who went there for undergrad and they loved it. They never really said much about what there was to do there though. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  4. Yay for you!!!! Don't doubt yourself. GRE scores aren't everything!

    *throws admission-inducing magical faerie dust on us lawyers*

    Fireflymoon...can't social workers have some of your magical faerie dust??? We need to get into grad school too!!!:lol:

  5. Yes, I know what you mean. But sometimes we women have to follow our mind and do what is logical instead of what feels good. Logically, you have done all of this work and even showed your face at the school's weekend event, so you might as well see it through. The worst that could happen is you could get accepted and maybe decide to put off enrolling until the next semester. Maybe that is an option?? Even if you have to reapply b/c you don't feel ready to do this until the hubby comes home, wouldn't it feel good to know you made it in??? :wink: Go get those LSAT scores ASAP!!!

  6. I would DEFINITELY submit the LSAT scores!!! You've come this far, so why not??? You don't have anything to lose! Well, other than $50...but worst case scenario, you'll need the scores when you reapply, so go for it! Good luck!!!

  7. For those of you who have received decisions via NC State's Website, where did you find your decision? Did a window pop up when you logged in? Did you click on one of the links? Was there a new link to click on? I log into the stupid site many times each day hoping to find a decision, but I don't even know where it would be if it were there :?

  8. I sent all of my materials in one packet. My issue was with my GRE scores. ETS had a block on my account...according to some of the representatives. Others had no idea where my scores were...others had no idea why other reps said there was a block! It was an absolute debacle. My scores didn't arrive to my chosen school until 1/17...a far cry from the 1/3 deadline, but the school was very understanding of the situation.

  9. I only applied to North Carolina State and I haven't heard back either. Their deadline was 1/3. Maybe MSW programs don't move as quickly as PhDs and Masters in other more technical disciplines. All of the people on this forum who have been notified were beginning to make me nervous!

  10. I applied to the MSW program @ NCSU. No word yet :cry: I am driving myself CRAZY waiting! Some days I feel confident that I will get in. Other days, I'm near tears thinking I'm not going to get in! What program did you apply for? Have you heard anything yet?

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