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snottlebie last won the day on January 6

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  1. Might be too soon. Probably best to wait for a time where they could give you more info - mid to late March earliest. Nothing will have changed from when you first contacted them because people are waiting for all their offers.
  2. Yes, go to their profile and then there’s a message option
  3. Mr Butt we are rooting for you! Anyway, just came here to hop on and agree with you - so far I have 1 acceptance and 2 waitlists and several rejections and the overwhelming majority of responses have used the legal name despite asking for preferred name. I know it’s a system thing, but it seems easily fixable. Even my acceptance letter has the wrong name (though the emails/calls from faculty used the correct name). It seems so silly/deeply messed up to ask for preferred name and then refuse to integrate it into the actual system.
  4. Excuse my ignorance, what’s a letter of continued interest? Is that akin to replying to a waitlist email saying, I’m still interested?
  5. I believe there were already 2 poetry acceptances from around 2/11 in the draft spreadsheet, as well as some waitlists. Sorry 😔
  6. Michener fiction acceptance posted in draft - they wrote that there were over 900 applications for 4 spots. So, still quite a bit of applications for one of the worst (in terms of human rights) states.
  7. JHU has always notified acceptances first, then waitlists, then rejections. Acceptances are not always posted.
  8. Just saw a CNF waitlist posted to Draft, so if that wasn’t you…I’d assume rejection, sorry.
  9. I think they typically took at least 2, but possibly more. But they used to rotate genres, 2 genres open for apps at one time. This year, they're doing all 3 genres.
  10. It’s a PhD rejection. Different timeline and rarer for them to report in the doc.
  11. Don’t know if they interview poets, but I do know that some interview requests go out on different days, theres often a range.
  12. Just based off the Draft notification sheet and here - no one's posted anything yet. Fiction interviews still a possibility.
  13. Hopium is all we got. But I want to point out that in 2022, there weren’t any acceptances until 1/25 (made an error in my older post that said 1/22). Also, except for last year, all UIUC results have come out on Tuesdays. 👀
  14. Virginia Tech’s deadline was just over 1 week ago, it’d be a bit fast for them no? They did have an early result last year, but their deadline was a month earlier. Most of their results from other years seem to be reported in early March or late Feb (though the data’s not the best) [specifically referencing fiction results]
  15. It’s weird bc why would Ohio ask people to keep quiet if all their applicants have received their results already?
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