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Everything posted by rhaenyra

  1. Lightly bummed that I probably didn't get a waitlist from Michigan (soft R) because it was my top school, but genre probably matters a bit. Loved reading Julie Buntin and Peter Ho Davies this year, but their work is geared toward realist/contemporary fiction, and I submitted a ghost story. Now if it was a great ghost story that probably wouldn't matter, but I'm going to tell myself it does because it helps the sting a bit lol. I'm very impressed by the UMich acceptances! Rooting for y'all to have a great time there.
  2. I feel you. I workshopped my writing sample with my local group with very little time before apps were due, and they unanimously said it would make more sense as a novel than as a short story. 💀 We live and we learn. But also, when you're the writer, you see your own pieces with very different eyes than everyone else. I would like to think that some imperfections are okay, since these are grad SCHOOL programs (and so we're all still learning). Maybe if a professor just vibes with what you're interested in and sees that you've made some good choices, that can be enough to make up for anything that isn't 100% polished.
  3. Anybody else get superstitious about mentioning the results to friends or family? I know objectively the decisions are made and it won't impact anything, but I still can't help feeling like I can jinx the process somehow. 😅
  4. Although it's good to temper expectations, don't lose hope or assume you'll get rejected! What one school has to say has zero impact on what others might.
  5. Update on my UC San Diego situation! I got waitlisted in fiction, which means I've achieved my main goal for my first (hopefully last) round of applications! 🥳 I'm shaking I'm so happy and I haven't even gotten in lol. I knew if anyone liked my piece it was gonna be a slightly weirdo school
  6. There are 8 fiction rejections for UC Irvine right now, all from today. Edit: I didn't read this right because you were specifically asking for As/Ws lol. No not seeing anything beyond 1 poetry acceptance.
  7. Just posted on the MFA draft spreadsheet for the first time ever! UC Irvine fiction rejection 😢
  8. Portal just says "In Review." I guess I'll give it a few days. Thank you!
  9. Can rejections come in waves? I saw a bunch on the draft spreadsheet yesterday for UCSD fiction but haven't received an email.
  10. Oh my god that's absurd, I'm sorry! The universe always picks the worst moments for that kind of thing 🫣
  11. I just rewatched the first season and am eagerly awaiting S2E2. I love the writing so much, and it's a goldmine of a concept.
  12. I agree. I've already picked up two spam calls today despite knowing the schools I applied to are NOT giving out results anytime soon.
  13. I just saw a poetry rejection from Boston University listed on the Draft spreadsheet. I applied to fiction and I imagine that comes out much later, especially because they had a January deadline??? Shocking nonetheless.
  14. I told myself I wouldn't be on GradCafe and none of my schools tend to get back to people before February anyway so now I'm just pushing the pain button over and over
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