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Pink Meerkat

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Everything posted by Pink Meerkat

  1. Duke ThD rejections are out too!
  2. I wonder if Duke is sending them out at different times depending on the subfield; the admissions staff told me that decisions should come out next week (I’m Biblical Studies).
  3. Just got rejected from Princeton Seminary!
  4. @tryme4 That's a great posture to have! And giving recommenders gifts is a great idea--so glad you mentioned that.
  5. @GradCafeNPC I know the preview weekend is for all the sub fields, but I’m not sure if they send all the invites at the same time!
  6. Thank you @tryme4! Looking forward to when you have good news to share too!!
  7. @GradCafeNPC Sorry for the inaccurate information—they actually ended up coming out today (I believe since yesterday was a holiday). I got an invitation to the preview weekend in February!
  8. @bhofmann24I heard from a friend that they are also out for OT!
  9. @DavidX, PhD in OT/HB!
  10. I applied to PTS, Notre Dame, Baylor, Asbury Theological Seminary, and Duke (GDR and divinity school). I got the interview invite from Notre Dame on Friday, and I heard that the Baylor invitations are coming out next Monday!
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