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    Political Science

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  1. Finally got my rejection, too.
  2. That’s actually what I was assuming happened, since both people who posted about acceptances this week said they had not been notified about being on the waitlist.
  3. They said they weren’t on the waitlist (there is an actual waitlist that people were notified about earlier this month).
  4. I have seen you posting about this across multiple forums, including grad cafe and Reddit, to the point that it feels like spam or trolling. I understand you are perhaps trying to help, but I gotta say, your approach is *not* helpful. Please stop trying to pressure people to accept offers ASAP, especially when your source is from UT Austin. That program is under a number of unique pressures (primarily due to state politics and policies) that do not apply to many other universities. Accepting a PhD offer is already a huge decision, and many of us are well aware of the threats the current administration poses to academia and research. None of us need more pressure in this process. Instead of trying to push people to quickly accept offers, I recommend that people discuss any concerns about funding stability with someone from the actual program(s) they’ve been admitted to. I have done this with the programs I have received offers from, and they have each walked me through why they are *not* concerned about being able to guarantee funding for admitted students and what funding options/resources their department has available.
  5. Like @jaliren said, it’s not a rejection until it’s a rejection! I received a waitlist notification yesterday for a school I was certain had rejected me. And I have 3 other schools I haven’t heard from that have sent out acceptances. There’s still hope lol I’m hoping for good news for us both!
  6. Oh, interesting! I know they released decisions for the joint program, too. I would be surprised if they don’t end up following up with you though. Maybe give them until the end of the month and then follow up if you haven’t heard back?
  7. I would reach out to them…UMich released all of their decisions at once on Feb 12, including waitlists. I was notified by email, but I never had a portal update. If you didn’t receive an email, I would say reach out.
  8. Congrats on the waitlist! Can I ask how you were notified?
  9. Thanks. I hadn’t seen anyone post about being waitlisted at WashU, so this is helpful information
  10. When did you receive the waitlist notification? WashU was my top choice (applied for AP), but I’ve heard nothing, so I’m assuming rejection 😭
  11. According to UMich, they receive 320-375 applications and admit 5-10% in a typical year, so getting over 600 applications this year was quite an uptick.
  12. No, it’s down for everyone.
  13. Yeah, that’s been there the whole time.
  14. Someone just posted an acceptance for Duke, but I remain skeptical lol
  15. There are now 4 people reporting being waitlisted for Duke…but still no acceptances. I am so confused and stressed. 😩
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