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  1. Nice. I just graduated from undergrad, and studied abroad in China with CET in Beijing and Hangzhou during spring and summer 2010. I'm kind of hoping to get placed in Shanghai since I've spent a good deal of time in Beijing, and would like to get to know a new city. I'll be thrilled with Beijing too, and happy to go wherever they place me. Just got an email that says we should hear about site placement March 1...
  2. Awesome!! I'm so excited! Can't wait to find out placement sites - will be neat if we end up at the same program. Any idea when we'll know if we're going to Beijing or Shanghai? What's your previous Chinese experience like? Have you studied abroad before, or are you a heritage learner?
  3. CONGRATS! I got it for Advanced Chinese! Freaking out a little.... :D Any other China people so far??
  4. You're awesome, thanks for this tidbit. Honestly, I wasn't getting my hopes up for an answer before the end of the month, so this is great news. Ready to solidify my summer plans.
  5. Nice! Best of luck to you! I spent 8 months doing 3 different immersion programs in 2010. Was going to take the HSK when I got back to the States, but never got around to it. How about you?
  6. I don't know when we'll hear... Initially they said late March, then bumped it up to mid-February. I'm trying not to get impatient until the end of Feb., but it's hard! I've got my fingers crossed. I applied for advanced Chinese, and made it past the first round. Any other Chinese applicants on the board? I have fairly extensive previous experience doing language immersion programs in China already, but I think I made a strong case for why another one would be directly beneficial to my career plans. Does anyone know if there is any kind of bias against accepting people who have already done similar programs? I guess I'll find out soon enough, but I'm curious nonetheless. Best of luck to you all!
  7. Sounds great, I'm curious what other people are hoping for. I applied for Advanced Chinese. Fingers crossed!
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