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Everything posted by tomat0tomat0

  1. yoooo finally got my jhu rejection! shortest email out of any school so far
  2. brown if that still counts, rutgers-camden, u of miami, u of florida
  3. right!!!! i don't understand what's so difficult about emailing a rejection?! and i Really don't understand how they decide what order their "batches" are sent out in. literally shoutout to syracuse, michigan, and michener for at least being efficient with their cruelty lmao. i fear i sound rude complaining so much but also like. cmon.
  4. maybe we should start placing bets on what schools we think'll say something today. any guesses? i've assumed rejections but technically still haven't heard back from: JHU (still!), WashUstLouis, notre dame, iowa, NYU, UTexas NWP, rutgers-N, and last but not least UVA-- anybody else in a similar spot? still waiting on Brown, rutgers-C, UofMiami, and UofFlorida too. manifesting those ๐Ÿ™ edit:typo
  5. currently at 8? soft rejections, which feels like a crazy high number-- i'd have expected more "confirmed" rejections to have rolled in by now? hoping to get at least some of those this week (if only for the sense of closure). also manifesting we hear from rutgers camden soon ๐Ÿ™
  6. congrats on all the good news !! if u dont mind me asking what schools were u accepted/waitlisted/rejected from (aside from michigan) ?? iโ€™m literally just nosy lol
  7. also u of florida just now โ€” acceptance for poetry. last year they didnt take anybody at all apparently so glad that isn't the case this time! wonder when weโ€™ll hear for fiction
  8. just saw the first u of miami (florida) result on the spreadsheet โ€” waitlist for nonfiction . wonder if this means fiction will come out soon?? last year the first result was 25 of march tho so idk
  9. been really quiet for me for so long, havent heard anything official since michigan on the 21st feb ?!
  10. if any person in my real life had left me on read for as long as jhu has i would quite literally never talk to them again
  11. nyu fiction acceptance on draft spreadsheet! by phone call apparently which is dif from last year
  12. just saw the second wave of JHU rejections on the draft spreadsheet but i still got nothing! radio silence. what the hell???!!!
  13. not to sound clinically insane but i vaguely remember you saying you lived in a time zone many hours ahead of the us. are you also an international applicant? maybe that has smth to do with why both our results are delayed; maybe they send out the international rejections later for some reason? lol just speculation but it's sunday and i have nothing else to do so...
  14. HAHAH i actually laughed , so real
  15. personally im assuming that both iowa & rutgers newark are soft rejections atp (i guess waitlists are still possible but i'm doubtful) (for fiction at least) side note: anybody else never receive anything from johns hopkins? of course by this point i assume nothing = rejection , but still i find it weird (and kinda rude!) that i never even got an email? my portal still just says "submitted" as well
  16. yes mine says that too i think it's been that way for a while
  17. syracuse fiction rejection (via email) on the spreadsheet
  18. i feel like everybody is missing the nicer and more extensive message written at the top of the portal . to be fair i didn't notice it at first either but it's there
  19. according to the spreadsheet last year people started hearing back from the 9th of feb onwards. looks like they're behind schedule this year?
  20. makes sense abt the alphabet thing ; my surname is also quite low down (starts w P)
  21. for those who applied to both texas programs - is michener the one listed as "creative writing" or just "writing" ? i can't remember and it isn't clear on the portal . (still says "in review" but im not exactly hopeful...)
  22. mine lets me log in, but still says โ€œin reviewโ€ ๐Ÿคจ
  23. woke up to a uc san diego rejection ๐Ÿ˜
  24. nah, for poetry again
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