Subgpa = 3.92
Research Experience: RA'd in 3 labs, which led to 1 pub and 4 conference presentations
Clinical Experience: volunteered for almost 3 years at a centre working with children who experience physical and developmental difficulties [have a few more but mainly discussed this experience in my statement of intent]
Hi everyone!
Super excited to share that I received an acceptance to UOFTs SLP program!! No update on OUAC yet, but was surprised to see an invite on Acorn!
Has anyone else heard back? Based on last years forum I was expecting to only receive a response in April, but am really happy with the early response!
Curious to know whether anyone else has received an update!
Hey everyone!
Super excited to have gotten an MMI invite this year! I also applied to UofT's SLP program this year, does anyone know if they have an interview as part of the admissions process?