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Everything posted by tooold4artschool

  1. Curious about the protocol for declining admissions. Is it customary to send an email, call someone, or just let the deadline lapse?
  2. Accepted at Parsons, and I am interested in any feedback anyone has on the program or faculty. I did my due diligence beforehand, but any candid advice is appreciated. TIA.
  3. Yep, I think so. I got one.
  4. True, Valencia is very suburban, a little walkable, and has some good transit options. However for someone who has never been there, the OP should know that it is basically on the I-5 freeway. Yes, you can cross the 10 lanes of freeway on the overpass to a giant strip mall with lots of local and national chain restaurants and stores. Yes, you can walk down the hill to the paseo system and hike or bike for 30 miles without crossing a street. A longish walk, or short bike ride will take you the "Town Center" in Valencia or "downtown" in Newhall. The train from Newhall gets you to DTLA in less than an hour. The bus to UCLA/Westwood is clean and easy and less than an hour as well. You would need a car to go anywhere else outside Santa Clarita. As far as the school building, the animation space is great, and some of the shops and grad studios are great, but the rest of the facility is pretty old and drab, and shockingly institutional. The sense of community is great, and there's something to do on campus every night. KPCT123 is correct though, CALARTS is not in LA and often feels a world away.
  5. Email to check the portal. All very bureaucratic.
  6. Tangential topic: I was accepted to SAIC post-bacc certificate program. Does anyone have experience or insight with that program? I didn't think I would be interested if I had MFA options, but an intensive year without worrying about a degree might be nice from a practice perspective. Let's assume cost is not an issue, although it always is of course... Should add that I did not get into my top choice MFA programs, though my second choice schools aren't bad.
  7. Rejected by my alma mater. Seven years of college down the drain... Seriously though, I got my rejection from Rutgers yesterday. Pretty disappointed after earning two other degrees there and feeling like my work was close to their cohort, certainly closer than schools where I had successful applications. Just goes to show that you never know one way or the other.
  8. I am 52, applying for the first time after an entire career in another field. From interviews and conversations with faculty, they say they want mature artists, and a range of experiences in the cohort. So you are definitely OK, and not too old.
  9. This is my first go-round, so I am curious. I have noticed that a lot of the same folks get into a lot of the same programs, then it seems like they decline admission due to financial aid reasons, or just because they can only go to one school. I would assume there is then a ton of churn for waitlisted students, and maybe even more interviews and offers. Can anyone confirm, and/or give me an idea of what the full process looks like or how long it runs? I got three interviews [Otis, Parsons, SAIC], but no offers yet, and none of them are my top choices [CALARTs, UCLA, Rutgers], so I am trying to figure out how to plan. Thanks, and best regards.
  10. An earlier thread indicated that Rutgers had already conducted interviews.
  11. I assumed that the interview cycle was a one-time thing for most, if not all schools, since they interview more than they admit. I also did not get an interview with Rutgers, which I am taking to mean rejection. I assume actual rejections will follow once they've completed their selections from among the interviewed candidates. Since I am making a lot of assumptions, I also would appreciate any feedback based on the experience of this group. Can someone weigh in?
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