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  1. Sorry, I think I worded my post in a confusing way--I haven't committed anywhere yet, just removed myself from the running at one school because the stipend was significantly lower. I'm still in the mix at Texas Tech but waiting to see where I land on these waitlists before I commit!
  2. I made my decision between my two acceptances based entirely on funding, honestly.
  3. If you try to decline a program after April 15th, you have to formally request to be released from your obligation to that school in order to be accepted at the other program, and they can refuse to release you. As far as I understand it, at least.
  4. The location is a big plus for me. It's a good balance between getting me into a city full of creative/networking opportunities while keeping me in the Upper Midwest (which is where I write about, and where all my loved ones are). The stipend is solid and the teaching load is ideal. I admire a lot of their graduates and faculty, and the program is well respected. I went to a Big 10 school for undergrad and loved how many resources and opportunities I had access to, so I'd love to return to that setting. And on top of all that I just feel a pull toward it, if that makes sense?
  5. [to the tune of Wonderwall] Toooday is gonna be the day that I make it off the list at 'Cuse/ By now, these schools should somehow realize what they've gotta do/ I can't believe that Minnesota wouldn't want me in their cohort now... (don't think I've ever felt this unhinged in my life)
  6. It's a contract, yes. My letter from Texas Tech states that if I commit to them and then accept a different offer prior to April 15th, I will need to submit a written letter of resignation. If I commit to them and accept a different offer AFTER April 15th, I need to submit a letter of resignation AND a request to be released from my obligation to TTU. If a school declines to release you from your obligation, you won't be able to accept your other offer. I'm assuming this is true of all schools that are signatories to the Council of Graduate Schools Resolution (which is most of them).
  7. Click on your name in the upper righthand corner of the screen to get that dropdown menu, then go to account settings, then go to the little menu on the lefthand side of the screen. There's a button there for 'signature' :)!
  8. put my waitlists in my signature so if you hear of/cause any movement on these lists, i would love to know. many thanks in advance!
  9. waitlist sufferer here. boyfriend says i was grinding my teeth *hard* in my sleep this weekend 🥲.
  10. Yep, it was Terri from the English Graduate Office who sent the initial waitlist email. She is super kind.
  11. If anyone is on the Syracuse waitlist, I just emailed the department about potential waitlist movement. I got a (kind, detailed and super fast--like, within five minutes) response saying there has been no movement yet and they don't expect that until after their admitted students weekend, which is 2 weeks from now. So looks like we may be holding out 'til pretty close to the deadline. I also emailed Minnesota about their waitlist, but haven't heard back yet.
  12. Yeah, following up to reaffirm your interest has been recommended by some of the MFA vets over on draft. I am happy to have 2 acceptances but am waitlisted at 2 top choices right now; I sent an email to one yesterday where I said I had two other offers right now but wanted to reaffirm my interest in the program, assure them that if given an offer I would accept, and on that note, to check in and see if there were any updates on the waitlist.
  13. i asked the tarot if i'll get accepted off the 'cuse waitlist and drew the tower...twice. not sure how to feel about that.
  14. Does anyone know how long the Minnesota waitlist is? And/or if it's ranked?
  15. Nothing from NMU yet. They weren't even my top school, it just feels so much worse when you live in the same town as the school for some reason 😭.
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