Yes, they hosted a welcome weekend, so the admits had a chance to visit Ann Arbor, speak with faculty and current students, look into housing, and much more. Obviously one of the biggest perks is the funding: besides the stipend, there are a lot of opportunities through the graduate school to apply for awards, travel grants, etc.
Besides that, though, the faculty members and students that I met were incredibly generous with their time and energy. That in turn created a very communal atmosphere and environment. One of the current students took us on a housing tour to three other students' apartments, and they all offered to tour apartments for us if we weren't able to be in Ann Arbor to look into places ourselves. The cohort size (9 per genre) is also appealing; several students referred to it as a "social program," which for me is a plus — the overall program seems big enough to accommodate a lot of different types of personalities, but not so large as to render anyone anonymous.
These are all just first impressions, of course, so we'll see what happens come fall. But overall I'm very grateful and very excited!