Hi everybody, just wanted to ask about utility of following up on a waitlist. I am waitlisted at one of my top choices (Syracuse) and would definitely go there if I got in (I haven't been accepted elsewhere lol so I don't have that as leverage but I'm happy this is the school I got the best result from). I sent a brief one-sentence response the day I got the email (about a month ago) just saying I was honored and wanted to remain on the waitlist. I don't really have anything new to report, I would just be saying I still want to go there, so is it worth sending anything? Sorry if something similar has been answered already, very happy for those who have gotten in, and solidarity with those who have not 🫶
Hi! I’ve been lurking for the past couple days, just wanted to post to purge some of my anxiety. I haven’t heard back, either yes or no, from schools others seem to have (Syracuse, JHU, Irvine), and it’s driving me kind of insane. I know JHU is probably a no at this point, but I just want confirmation. I’m hoping no news is good news but I don’t really know what to think.