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  1. hope everyone's hanging in there<3 it's been a weird month... i also wanted to ask, does anyone know if iowa send snail mail rejections to international applicants too?
  2. does anyone know anything about brown poetry decisions?
  3. this is super helpful, thank you both @MegHe @exvat !! i'm an international student so i assume no phone call will come my way, so i've opted to respond to the email and cc the program manager too... fingers crossed that sends the right message lol
  4. congrats!!! so did i, for poetry! just wondering if you're confirming interest by responding to the email or emailing the program manager, or not responding at all? hoping it's okay to ask that, all my other schools (except michigan) are pending and i have no idea how to do this 😭
  5. hey! longtime lurker who has finally made an account to say how grateful i am for everyone here. the kindness + support is immense and has been a huge source of comfort along this process. i also wanted to ask, i know that iowa fiction acceptances have come out, but has there been any movement for poetry? not sure if it's just something i've missed - any insight appreciated! thank you!
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