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Everything posted by Cowbot

  1. Just got my package yesterday!
  2. Has anyone heard back from Yale re: financial aid?
  3. Nothing yet! I’m hoping by the middle of next week since that would be a full 2 weeks since acceptances went out
  4. This is incredibly helpful to hear and was my suspicion! Mark McKnight was the only person I was really excited to study with and seems to be the only dedicated photo faculty member they have. Yale grads all seem to exhibit soon after finishing the program and ofc the faculty are all active in the field. Hearing that the Rutgers facilities were poor and they’re disorganized in person was the nail in the coffin for me. Thank you! Now just waiting on Yale financial aid
  5. It is a fully funded program! They just don’t have a dollar amount for tuition yet, just the promise that it will be paid. Other schools typically give you a clearer cost breakdown before you commit. Rutgers said they’ll have tuition costs/breakdown by this summer, after people already made their decisions. not the end of the world! I am just nosy and anal about finances I’m so glad to hear you had a good experience! I liked my interview itself but the processing of scheduling it I thought was a bit disorganized and the questions weren’t as personal and specific to my work compared to my Yale interview.
  6. I hate to hear that it was a disorganized process on your end too! And you’re not missing out. I got in but then received emails from them that they still don’t know the cost of tuition for the 2025-2026 school year. Which left a Not amazing impression…
  7. Oh wow! I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I’m sorry they got your name wrong, that’s super tacky and not okay! Did they also only ask you 3 questions? Also did you have a chance to tour facilities?
  8. It was good overall! They only asked me 3 questions (I’m pretty sure they asked everyone the same things) but I loved their answers to my questions and the political slant of the program. They also called me to notify me of my acceptance which was a nice touch. I just didn’t like the way interviews were organized. I wanted to visit in person but they didn’t have enough space for everyone they invited. When I booked my zoom interview they only let me choose a day not a time, and I was assigned a time just a few days in advance. Kind of annoying since the reason I didn’t visit campus was because I couldn’t take a full day off of work and I wound up having to do that anyway because I couldn’t predict when I would have to interview.
  9. Did anyone (particularly photo/video people) get a chance to visit Rutgers? I’m between Rutgers and Yale, and leaning Yale. I was really excited by the Rutgers program but was less enthusiastic after the way they handled interviews. It seemed kind of disorganized + didn’t leave a good impression. I was wondering if the in-person experience was different. Thanks! Also if anyone has thoughts on how these programs compare for photo that would be MUCH appreciated!
  10. Didn’t apply to Columbia but got into Yale photo and have never exhibited outside of on-campus undergrad shows! I don’t think they take work/exhibition history into consideration. Helpful if you have it but not harmful if you don’t. 1000% worth reapplying IMO. Especially if you were waitlisted. Everyone I’ve known who’s reapplied to Yale after getting waitlisted has gotten in
  11. First of all congrats!! People don’t usually give up spots at Yale but it’s not unheard of! I know someone who made it off the waitlist for Yale Photo, and John Pilson (who’s faculty there) was actually admitted off the waitlist! They did say in their open house that they don’t rank their waitlist and there’s usually 4-5 people on it max. And who they admit off of the waitlist is about who would fit in best to the existing cohort and not about one artist being “better” than another. So idk that there’s anything to be done on your end. It’s an achievement in and of itself as much as it sucks to be in limbo. Crossing my fingers for you! Hope this was at all helpful
  12. Congrats!!!!
  13. Congrats to you too!!! Hopefully see you there
  14. I got into Yale :’)
  15. I’m 25! Mid 20s is actually the time most people go back for their MFA, so if you’re looking to be part of the norm you’re exactly on track. But there’s no such thing as too late!
  16. Photo! What about you?
  17. Biting my finger nails off knowing Yale decisions are most likely coming out tonight or tomorrow 😬😬
  18. I know! I interviewed last Thursday so less than a 1 week turn around feels insane haha. And I applied for photo!
  19. The panelists during my interview! I edited my post to clarify, sorry !
  20. Asked in my interview, and the Yale faculty said decisions will go out by the middle of this week!
  21. First time applying! I only applied to 2 schools. Rutgers - accepted Yale - interviewed and awaiting response Good luck to everyone!! We've got this!
  22. Got the acceptance call from Rutgers this afternoon!
  23. Has anyone interviewed for Yale yet? Did you prepare your own presentation or did they share the work on their end? A bit confused by the instructions! Thanks
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