If it makes anyone feel better re fiction at Iowa, I have a friend of a friend who's a student and apparently it was a big year for them--close to 900-1000 applicants? so the competition was even worse than usual.
Also I just got my JHU and UofArizona rejections back to back lol
Has there been any fiction UC Irvine news here/on draft? Last I heard they were deliberating but that was weeks ago, so I'm assuming I missed something.
Screaming crying throwing up I'm another IWW waitlist. I've been rejected from pretty much every school I applied to so this was huge.
For those asking for info: I'm a college senior (which is probably why I've been rejected so hard lmao). My manuscript was three separate stories in three POVs and with varying levels of realism/surrealism because I wanted to show my range. Hoping that all of us waitlist chickens get a spot but am happy just being waitlisted tbh ❤️
sending hope and love to all!!