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Everything posted by RabbitRunner

  1. Does anyone have an idea about roughly how long George Mason's waitlist is? I got waitlisted there and I'm not expecting that to shift to an acceptance but I'm wondering how likely that is to happen.
  2. Thanks and thanks for such a thoughtful response! It does look gorgeous in that area and honestly beyond liking the faculty(and one of the poets, Kevin Prufer, who went there), a lot of the reason I applied is because the vibe feels right for some reason. I'll try and not worry that it's a small school since a lot of MFA cohorts are pretty small anyway. I definitely will reach out to a current student to ask questions! Also love your mom's advice, that's a great point. I only have one other acceptance right now, to SIU Carbondale, and the stipend is a bit higher so I'm still considering them. I'm holding out a bit of hope for an acceptance from George Mason but at this point I'm guessing it's a rejection.
  3. I know this is just a little detail in your post but I wanted to ask about Hollins if you don't mind. I got accepted there and am really excited about it! I'm trying to make a decision about where to accept and I'm leaning a lot towards Hollins but I'm a bit nervous about how small the school is. If you don't mind talking about it, I was curious about what drew you to apply there, I haven't really seen anyone else talk about them before!
  4. Thank you!! And np<3 lol that's definitely fair, waiting on replies is wretched and nerve wracking. I'm only waiting on two now but I check the application portals all the time lol
  5. Hi! I applied to SIU carbondale for poetry and got an acceptance by email on March 6th. I hope you get good news soon!
  6. Hi! Sorta new lurker, I wish I had found this forum when I was first starting on applications! Good luck to everybody waiting on answers from schools, the wait really is torturous. I just got rejected from Virginia Tech for poetry and I expected it but I'm still trying to not to be too sad about it. I'm still waiting on George Mason, SIU, and Emerson but I got an acceptance and funding from Hollins University so I'm excited about that.
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