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Everything posted by GingerBB

  1. Thank you so much! 😄
  2. Just got a waitlist notification (Fiction) for Wyoming! So all acceptances are probably out.
  3. Congrats that’s hugeee!!!!!!! 😀😀😀
  4. Aaaahhh this made me so happy, thank you so much! Teaching is honestly one of the things I’m looking most forward to — have zero experience in it BUT I know all too well the feeling of trying my best to write well and not having anyone to guide me on what “writing well” looks like for me, so I’m really keen to give back and maybe be that person for someone else! It was Leslie Epstein who called me, actually — he sounds wonderful! I wish you so much luck with your waitlists, hope you get whichever college is the best fit for you and do HMU if you’re in Boston 👊
  5. Thank you so much, appreciate it! 🤗🤗
  6. You’re so welcome! And yes, I’m still pinching myself!! Boston was my dream program from the start and I’m super duper excited about this. Rooting for you to hear good news next week! 🤗🤗🤞
  7. Thank you so much, and absolutely!! This time a week ago I was the one tearing my hair out waiting for updates lol
  8. Hey guys, longtime lurker here and finally figured out how to make an account. First off, thanks to everyone who posted here — this forum has kept me going through a verrry stressful few weeks! And now, I have some info on Boston University — in case anyone’s interested! So I got accepted on Saturday, for Fiction. Was absolutely thrilled to get the call, as this was my first time applying and I had all hard/soft rejects up until that point barring a waitlist at NYU (and no way was I going to get off it with full funding). I was also given one of the fellowships! Then, on Monday I was sent an email that had three others marked as recipients, informing us that we had all been given fellowships. I got my Graduate School official acceptance on Tuesday. My guess — they informed fellowship recipients first, and will share the rest next week, because I learned that BU is on spring break this weekend. So if you haven’t heard from them yet, hang in there! And, major congrats to everyone who’s already been waitlisted/accepted!
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