Hi guys,
I'd like to get some advice on the strength of my application.
I go to a top school with a good aerospace engineering program and I'm looking into a master's after college.
My gpa is high 3.63/4.00 (my school has massive grade deflation), and my gre scores are good (800/710/5).
I have one summer's of research and several semesters of technical projects for different classes.
Ultimately, I think I can get two good recommendations, and the third one will probably not be particularly useful.
This is mostly because I concentrated a lot of my time outside of class on an extracurricular that doesn't really relate back to my area of study. I did engineers without borders for two years and was heavily involved, taking a leadership position in the second year. I stopped this year so I would have more time to think about my future and whatnot.
So I'm not really sure what my chances are of getting into good schools. I do have strong grades coming from a great school, a little research experience, and a strong extracurricular that unfortunately seems like it won't count for very much in the application process. But I won't have super strong recommendations because I devoted so much time to that activity. (There was no faculty supervising us; it was all student run.)
The schools that I'm applying for are (in no particular order) MIT, Purdue, Cornell, WUSTL, UMaryland, Penn State, UMichigan Ann Arbor, UIllinois Urbana Champagne, USC, Texas A&M, Georgia Tech.
If anyone has any insight or just advice in general about my issue, please let me know.