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Posts posted by BCchemie

  1. Has anyone that interviewed at Scripps the first weekend heard back? I haven't gotten any word and am getting somewhat nervous, since it seemed that they implied they would be letting people know very soon after the weekend...

    I went the first weekend and I heard back the Monday that I got home.

  2. For those planning to visit Stanford and/or Berkeley, is anyone going on the March 3/4 weekend?

    I'll be there that weekend. Getting into SFO early Wednesday afternoon and then heading over to the symposia they hold on Wednesdays.

  3. Does anyone know if Barry Trost is still taking students at Stanford? His website doesn't list what year his graduate students started.

    According to my research advisor and academic advisors (who know Trost), he will still be taking graduate students next fall.

  4. I'm visiting 5 or 6 schools (out of 9) and will also be at the ACS meeting. Like many people above, I am in the position where 2 schools have the overlapping visit periods which is nice. Also, considering so many of the East Coast schools are no more than an hour flight away in my case, it makes easy to just head over to each of them, even though I may not make each school's specified visit day.

  5. Hey all, I'm getting a bit worried since I haven't heard back from many schools at all. My profile consists of a 3.83GPA, 3 years of lab research (with two summer REUs), 760ChemGRE, 440V, 720Q, 4.5A. I also hold leadership roles in the chem department teaching and leading workshops/programs. Btw, I am at the Univ of Miami.

    I've applied to:

    UT Austin

    GA Tech


    Columbia U

    Yale U

    Stanford U



    Any input? I thought my profile was competitive, but I'm not hearing back from anywhere.

    First, let me point out that you do have a competitive profile; however, as has been said many times on this forum, Letters of Recommendation are often a very substantial portion of the application. How do you think your letters of rec were? Were they from research advisors who could truly comment on your ability to do graduate level research? Were they from professors who have had you in high level chemistry courses? These are important factors that may sway an admissions committee's mind in selecting you for a Ph.D. program.

    How much did your Statement of Purpose stress the leadership positions and teaching positions you have attained? Focusing on this would be a very strong part of your application.

    Also, do you have any publications throughout your research? Many individuals on this forum do, but a good number (myself included) do not. Having one may be helpful to your application.

    Other points that are of note - your 720 on the Quantitative section of the GRE is somewhat low for an individual trying to apply for a science based degree at the schools you are talking about. 720 is below the 80th percentile, yet you are applying to many of the top 10 programs in the country (Stanford, MIT, Scripps) and many of the next 10 to 15 or so. This is something to keep in mind when you start hearing back from schools. With a 3.83, 720Q, 440V, 760Chem, your stats are somewhat below (on a pure numbers basis) many of the people on this forum who have received acceptance letters to the schools you are talking about. This is not to discourage you, just an assessment of what can be attained from reading this board. Perhaps applying to some middle tier programs would be a good next move (even though many deadlines have passed, speaking to the graduate coordinator at other schools you may be interested in could prove fruitful).

    In the meantime, my advice would be to contact the programs you are waiting to hear from and ask them if they have received all of your application materials. Normally, they would have e-mailed you if there were an issue, but it doesn't hurt to follow up! If, in the next couple of weeks, you have not heard back successfully, I would strongly consider searching for an internship (or full time position) in the industry you wish to pursue after your Ph.D. This will then allow you to make new contacts who can comment on your potential to do research, confirm your own reasoning for pursuing a Ph.D., and likely strengthen your application for next year!

    Good luck! Hopefully you will hear back soon!

  6. Speaking of which, any guesses as to when we'll hear from Columbia? It looks like this is a week past the date when decisions were mailed last year but apparently nobody has heard from Columbia yet this year. Or Harvard or Yale for that matter...

    Anyone else apply to Harvard and Columbia for chemical physics?

    I was admitted to Columbia on Monday via e-mail. Harvard is usually a little bit later.

  7. Heard from Columbia, Penn, and UC Berkeley yesterday - all three by e-mail. Was a nice little birthday present and took some of the sting out of the first day of classes.

    Just waiting on Harvard now.

  8. What are the visiting dates for MIT, Caltech and Princeton? Did you get a call from a Professor mentioned in your SOP from MIT and Caltech?

    Caltech - March 3rd - 5th or March 24th - 26th

    MIT - March 17th-18th (not sure if it goes into Saturday the 19th)

    Princeton - I will post when I get the official letter

    The two calls were from "members of the admissions committee." In the case of Caltech, this was a prof mention in my SOP but was not from MIT.


    Stanford Visitation Days are Feb 24th, March 3rd, March 10th, and March 17th (Thursdays). That is so Berkeley visit days can be the following Fridays. If visiting both, there is a shuttle provided between the two schools.

    @ccb - I look forward to meeting you. Good luck!

  10. @BCchemie: How many letters did you submit and did all of them belong to your home university?

    Between, what's your home university and did you have any publications at the time of apping?

    I submitted 3 letters of recommendations, all from professors at Boston College. My research advisor, academic advisor, and a professor I had taken both an Honors Organic course and graduate Physical Organic course with.

    I have not been published yet; however, am working independently on two projects which are pushing towards papers now.

  11. Has anybody here sent in an application to columbia university for chemistry? If so, have they updated your status as of yet on the downloadable forms section of the application? I submitted my application 3 weeks ago and it hasnt been updated. thanks!

    I submitted mine about a week ago and don't have any updated forms yet. Not to worry.

  12. GRE: 800Q, 670V, 6.0A

    GRE Chemistry: 860

    GPA: 3.96 (4.0 Major) at BC

    Applying to Scripps, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, CalTech, Columbia, Princeton, Penn

    2.5 Years of consistent research in group of senior professor.

    Looks like this forum has been somewhat self-selecting of who is posting considering the average chemistry GRE here is substantially above the accepted classes of every top 10 school.

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